Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



2023 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report

UNL Beef, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


A finishing feedlot experiment was conducted to evaluate the impact of feeding biochar on methane and carbon dioxide production, performance, and carcass characteristics in beef cattle. Two dietary treatments were evaluated; 0 or 1% biochar in a high concentrate diet comprised of dry-rolled corn, high moisture corn, Sweet Bran, and corn silage. Ponderosa pine wood biochar was added into the diet at 1% dry-matter displacing a 1% dry-matter blend of corn. Cattle were monitored using a calorimetry emissions barn to capture methane and carbon dioxide production. Emissions production, performance and carcass characteristics did not differ between cattle fed a control diet without biochar or cattle fed a diet containing biochar.
