Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



2022 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report

UNL Beef, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


A digestion study was conducted to evaluate novel corn bran products from Cargill Corn Milling on nutrient digestibility in beef steers. Three bran products (Bran A/B/C) were included at 70% of diet dry matter of TRT A, B and C, with an internal control (SFC control) diet which consisted of 70% SFC. The SFC control exhibited the greatest dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) and starch digestibility, and the least neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility. Among TRT A, B and C when bran products were included at 70%, there was no difference in DM or OM intake and digestibility. NDF digestibility was greatest for TRT A fed steers, least for TRT C with TRT B intermediate. Starch intake was greatest for TRT C fed steers, least for TRT A with TRT B intermediate; while starch digestibility was greatest for TRT A fed steers, least for TRT C with TRT B intermediate. Bran products had minimal effect on energy digestibility, ruminal pH, rumination activity and blood parameters. Digestion trait differences existed among different corn bran products, of which Bran A was better digested, and corn bran products could replace SFC up to 70% dietary inclusion without compromising digestible energy of diet.
