"The Influence of Cooking Rate and Holding Time on Beef Flavor" by Jennie M. James and Chris R. Calkins

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version

January 2006


Published in 2006 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. Copyright © 2005 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.


Seven muscles from 10 beef carcasses were cooked quickly or slowly and held 0 or 1 hour to explore the influence of cooking rate and holding time on beef flavor. Off-flavor intensity was lowest when beef was cooked slowly (on a 300°F grill instead of a 480°F grill) and when it was held for 1 hour prior to sensory evaluation. The infraspinatus (flat iron) had the least intense off-flavor and the vastus intermedius (knuckle bottom) had the most intense off-flavor. Slow cooking or holding for 1 hour prior to consumption reduced the intensity of off-flavor in value cuts.
