"Evaluation of Initial Implants for Finishing Steers" by Jeffrey D. Folmer, Travis B. Farran et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version

January 2005


Published in 2005 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. Copyright © 2004 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.


A commercial feedlot experiment utilizing 12 pens and 1038 steers evaluated initial implant strategies for feedlot steers. Steers were administered either Revalor-IS® or Synovex S® at initial processing. Both treatment groups received Revalor-S® as a terminal implant. Revalor-IS® as an initial implant improved hot carcass weight and carcass adjusted final weight; however, there was no effect on any other measure of performance or carcass characteristics. Selling steers on a carcass merit basis resulted in a similar return per head for both implant strategies. Reduced-dose combination implants may improve hot carcass weight and carcass adjusted final weight with no impact on carcass merit.
