"Effect of Distillers Grains or Corn Supplementation Frequency on Forag" by Tim W. Loy, James C. MacDonald et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



Published in 2004 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. Copyright © 2003 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.


Ten ruminally cannulated heifers received no supplement, dry distillers grains (DDG) daily, DDG on alternating days, dry rolled corn daily, or corn on alternating days. Hay intake was higher for non-supplemented than for supplemented heifers. No intake differences were observed between DDG and corn-supplemented heifers. Heifers supplemented daily had higher and more consistent intakes than those in alternate-day treatments, particularly within corn-supplemented heifers. Ruminal pH and hay fiber disappearance were greater in non-supplemented heifers. Corn-supplemented heifers had slower rates of fiber disappearance than DDG-supplemented. Alternate-day energy supplementation increased intake variability compared to daily supplementation.
