"Replacement Heifer Development for Spring and Summer Calving Herds" by Gene H. Deutscher, Brent Plugge et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



Published in 2002 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. Copyright © 2001 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.


A three-year study on heifer development of spring-born (n=240) and summer-born heifers (n=146) was conducted using sandhills ranch management. Spring-born heifers developed during the winter to reach 53% of mature weight at breeding had similar reproduction and calf production as heifers that reached 57% of mature weight. Feed costs were $22/heifer less for the lighter weight heifers. Summer-born heifers that were developed to reach 60% of mature weight at breeding in early fall had normal yearling pregnancy rates, but rebreeding rates of the 2-year-old cows were low, which caused high culling rates. Two-year-old cows calving in May produced greater calf growth rates to weaning than cows calving in June.
