"Phosphorus and Nitrogen-Based Beef Cattle Manure or Compost Applicatio" by Bahman Eghball

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version

January 2001


Published in Nebraska Beef Cattle Report 2001, published by Agricultural Research Division, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, and Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.


This study was conducted to evaluate effects of P and N-based manure and compost applications on corn yield and soil P level. Annual or biennial manure or compost application resulted in corn grain yields similar to those with chemical fertilizer application. P-based manure or compost application resulted in similar corn grain yield but significantly less soil P build-up than N-based treatments. Estimated N availability was 40% for manure and 15% for compost in the first year and was 18% for manure and 8% for compost in the second year after application.
