"An Enzyme-Microbial Feed Product for Finishing Steers" by Burt Weichenthal, Ivan G. Rush et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



Published in Nebraska Beef Cattle Report 1998, published by Agricultural Research Division, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, and Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.


Feeding MSE (multiple stabilized enzymes in an enzyme-microbial feed product) at the rate of 2 lb of product per ton of diet dry matter in two trials with finishing yearling steers, increased daily gain by an average of 6.9% over feeding Rumensin-Tylan at 29 g and 10 g per ton, respectively. Feed-to-gain ratio was improved by an average of 5.6% with MSE in the same comparison. Carcass measurements were similar, except for slight increases in hot carcass weight and dressing percent for cattle fed MSE. Percentages of liver abscesses were low and similar for both treatments.
