"Replacement Heifer Development Programs" by Gene H. Deutscher, Andy Applegarth et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



Published in Nebraska Beef Cattle Report 2000, published by Agricultural Research Division, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, and Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.


A three-year study was conducted to evaluate heifer development programs using Sandhills resources. During the first two years, spring-born yearling heifers that grazed subirrigated meadows for 30 days in May pre-breeding had greater weight gains. However, the heifers tended to have lower (10%) pregnancy rates than the heifers on hay and range during May. Grazing meadows in May with summer-born heifers had no effect on pregnancy rates when heifers were bred in September. In comparing spring- and summer-born heifers, initial results indicate yearling and 2-year-old reproductive performance and calf weaning weights may be lower for the summer-born heifers. Additional studies on heifer performance and economics are in progress.
