"Sugar Beet Pulp and Corn Silage for Growing Yearling Steers" by Jessica Park, Ivan G. Rush et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



Published in Nebraska Beef Cattle Report 2000, published by Agricultural Research Division, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, and Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.


British crossbred steers with an average weight of 735 lb were fed in a 92-day growing trial. Silo Guard II®, an additive containing an amylase enzyme and sulfur salts, was used to treat corn silage and beet pulp. Cattle received either untreated corn silage, treated corn silage, or treated corn silage and treated beet pulp (35% of ration DM). Average daily gains were not significantly different between treatments. Dry matter intake was lower with the diet containing beet pulp, resulting in a better feed conversion compared to the treated and untreated corn silage diets.
