"Subprimal Freezing and Thawing Rates Affect Beef at Retail" by Justine J. Hosch, Jerilyn E. Hergenreder et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



Published in 2012 Beef Cattle Report (2012) p. 130-132. Copyright © 2012 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.


Ribeye, strip loin and top sirloin butt subprimals were either fast or slow frozen and then fast or slow thawed. Steaks were cut, placed in retail display for 8 days, and compared to fresh-never-frozen product for retail color and purge loss. Thaw purge loss was higher for slow thawed subprimals, with fast thawed product having the greatest purge loss during display. Overall, total purge loss was roughly 2-5% higher for all slow thawed products. Color data indicated frozen-thawed beef subprimals are comparable to fresh-never-frozen subprimals in color stability during day 1-4 of retail display. Total purge loss was increased for slow thawed subprimals; freezing rate had minimal effects on retail quality.
