"2012 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report (complete)"

Animal Science, Department of



Date of this Version



UNL Extension Document MP95


Published by Agricultural Research Division, University of Nebraska Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Copyright © 2012 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.



Supplementing Gestating Beef Cows Grazing Cornstalk Residues

Effect of Corn Stalk Grazing and Baling on Cattle Performance and Irrigation Needs

Nutritive Value and Amount of Corn Plant Parts

Wheat Straw, Distillers Grains, and Beet Pulp for Late Gestation Beef Cows

Influence of Weaning Date and Pre-partum Nutrition on Cow-Calf Productivity

Effect of Calving Period on Heifer Progeny

Evaluating Conventional and Sexed Semen in a Commercial Beef Heifer Program

Late Gestation Supplementation Impacts Primiparous Beef Heifers and Progeny

Nutritional Regime and Antral Follicle Count Impact Reproductive Characteristics in Heifers

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A(VEGFA) in Ovulatory Follicles

Oocyte mRNA and Follicle Androgen Levels Associate with Fertility

The Simmental Breed: Population Structure and Generation Interval Trends

Association of Myostatin on Performance and Carcass Traits in Crossbred Cattle

Economic Analysis of Keeping a Nonpregnant Cow

Effect of Post-Weaning Heifer Development System on Average Daily Gain, Reproduction, and Adaptation

to Corn Residue During First Pregnancy

Impact of Post-Weaning Beef Heifer Development System on Average Daily Gain, Reproduction, and Feed Efficiency

Heifer Development: Think Profit, Not Just Cost or Revenues

Beef Heifer Development and Profitability


Research Results are Dependent on Accurate Cattle Weights

Forage Availability and Quality of No-till Forage Crops for Grazing Cattle

Strategies of Supplementing Dried Distillers Grains to Yearling Steers on Smooth Bromegrass Pastures

Comparison of Feeding Dry Distillers Grains in a Bunk or on the Ground to Cattle Grazing Subirrigated Meadow

Byproducts with Low Quality Forage to Grazing Cattle

Effects of Forage Type, Storage Method, and Moisture Level in Crop Residues Mixed with Modified Distillers Grains

Effect of Storage Method on Nutrient Composition and Dry Matter Loss of Wet Distillers Grains

Spoilage of Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles and Feed Value


Increasing Levels of Condensed Distillers Solubles and Finishing Performance

Feeding Condensed Distillers Solubles in Finishing Diets Containing WDGS or Synergy

Metabolism of Finishing Diets Containing Condensed Distillers Solubles and WDGS

Wet Distillers Grains and Ratios of Steam-Flaked and Dry-Rolled Corn

Effect of Corn Processing on Feedlot Steers Fed Sugarbeet Pulp

Distillers Grains with Solubles and Ground Ear Corn in Feedlot Diets

Feeding Field Peas in Finishing Diets Containing Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles

Ruminal Degradable Sulfur and Hydrogen Sulfide in Cattle Finishing Diets

Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Dietary Sulfur on Feedlot Health

Complete-feed Diet RAMPTM in Grain Adaptation Programs

Use of Complete-feed Diets RAMPTM and Test Starter for Receiving Cattle

Effects of RAMP on Feed Intake and Ruminal pH During Adaptation to Finishing Diets

Potassium for Feedlot Cattle Exposed to Heat Stress

Feeding Modified Distillers Grains with Solubles and Wet Corn Gluten Feed (Synergy) to Adapt Cattle

to Finishing Diets

Using Beet Pulp to Adapt Cattle to Finishing Diets

Effect on Performance and Nutrient Mass Balance of Feeding Micro-Aid in Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Diets

Effects of Barley Diets with Distillers Grains Plus Solubles on Feedlot Performance and N and P Balance

Feedlot Manure Utilization as Influenced by Application Scheme and Diet

Chemical Treatment of Low-quality Forages to Replace Corn in Cattle Finishing Diets

Reducing Particle Size Enhances Chemical Treatment in Finishing Diets

Factors Influencing Profitability of Calf-Fed Steers Harvested at Optimum Endpoint

Grazing Supplementation and Subsequent Feedlot Sorting of Yearling Cattle

Impact of Sorting Prior to Feeding Zilpaterol Hydrochloride on Feedlot Steers

Beef Products

Condensed Distillers Solubles and Beef Shelf Life

Effects of Antioxidants on Beef in Low and High Oxygen Packages

Dietary Antioxidants and Beef Tenderness During Retail Display in High O2

Effects of Freezing and Thawing Rates on Tenderness and Sensory Quality of Beef Subprimals

Subprimal Freezing and Thawing Rates Affect Beef at Retail

Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Report and Their Purpose
