"Evaluation of Excede® Given at Either Initial Processing or Revaccinat" by Virgil R. Bremer, Galen E. Erickson et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version

January 2007


Published in 2007 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. Copyright © 2006 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.


An experiment (Exp. 1) was conducted to determine the effect of Excede® at arrival or at revaccination on morbidity, mortality, and gain in both feedlot and pasture receiving systems. A second experiment (Exp. 2) was conducted to determine the effect of feedlot and pasture receiving systems on animal health. In Exp. 1, no treatment differences were observed for initial or final BW, or ADG. In Exp. 1, initial BW, treatment, receiving system (pasture or feedlot); and buyer of cattle explained the cumulative incidence of bovine respiratory disease (BRD). The incidence of BRD in this study was 4.7%, 11.0%, and 13.8% for arrival, control, and revaccination treatments respectively. The arrival medication effectively reduced BRD incidence. BRD was less (P= 0.02) for pasture receiving than feedlot receiving, averaging 7.4% and 11.0% respectively. In Exp. 2 BRD was less for pasture receiving than feedlot receiving with 23% and 53% treated for BRD respectively.
