"Alkaline Treated Wheat Straw or Corn Stover Fed to Growing Calves" by Adam L. Shreck, Brandon L. Nuttelman et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



2014 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report, UNL Extension MP99, pp. 67-68.


Copyright © 2014 University of Nebraska.


Four hundred sixty steer calves were fed CaO treated (5% of DM) or untreated wheat straw and corn stover with wet distillers grains plus solubles (WDGS) during a 69-day growing study. An interaction between crop residue and alkaline treatment was observed for ending BW and ADG. The relative response in ADG and ending BW due to alkaline treatment was greater for wheat straw compared to corn stover. Steers fed wheat straw diets had greater DMI and improved F:G compared to corn stover diets. Alkaline treatment increased DMI and improved F:G, although the F:G response was small. Growing calves on untreated residue diets may be more economical.
