"Effects of Grazing on Nebraska Sandhills Meadow Forage Nutrient Conten" by Jared V. Judy, Jacki A. Musgrave et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



2014 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report, UNL Extension MP99, pp. 50-51.


Copyright © 2014 University of Nebraska.


Nebraska Sandhills subirrigated meadow pastures were utilized to measure the effects of grazing on forage nutrient content in summer pastures. Pre-grazed pastures had greater protein and in vitro dry matter digestibility levelsand lower neutral detergent fiber levels compared with post-grazed pastures early in the grazing season. By late July, post-grazed vs. pre-grazed pastures did not differ in in vitro dry matter digestibility and neutral detergent fiber levels. Observed results indicate the greatest differences in nutrient content between post-grazed and pre-grazed pastures occur early in the grazing season.
