"Grass Type, Grazing Supplementation, and Finishing Diets Affect Beef F" by Kimberly A. Varnold, Chris R. Calkins et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



2014 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report, UNL Extension MP99, pp. 126-128.


Copyright © 2014 University of Nebraska.


Crossbred steers (n = 64) were grazed on warm- or cool-season grasses, without or with energy supplementation of wet distillers grains with solubles (WDGS), and were finished on a corn-based diet with or without 35% WDGS. Grass type was the major contributor in determining the fatty acid profile, especially in the neutral lipid layer. Warm-season grasses decreased concentrations of most fatty acids compared to cool-season grasses. The provision of WDGS as an energy supplement while grazing dissipated any differences caused by grass type.
