"2015 Beef Cattle Report (complete)"

Animal Science, Department of



Date of this Version



2015 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report, University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension, MP101


Copyright © 2015 University of Nebraska.


Table of Contents


Impact of Heifer Development System on Subsequent Gain and Reproduction 5

Genetic Parameter Estimates for Calving Difficulty and Birth Weight in a Multibreed Population 8

Estimation of British- and Continental-Specific Heterosis Effects for Birth, Weaning, and Yearling Weight in Cattle 10

Using Sugar Beet Pulp to Replace Wheat Straw when Limit Feeding Late Gestation Beef Cows 12

Supplementing Cow-Calf Pairs Grazing Smooth Bromegrass 14

Effects of Calf Age at Weaning on Cow and Calf Performance and Feed Utilization in an Intensive Production System 16

An Economic Analysis of Conventional and Alternative Cow-Calf Production Systems 19

Effect of Post-Weaning Management and Age at Weaning on Calf Growing and Finishing Performance 22


Dried Distillers Grains Supplementation of Calves Grazing Irrigated Corn Residue 25

Comparison of Commercial Lick Tubs to Distillers Grains Supplementation for Calves Grazing Corn Residue 27

Efficacy of Bovatec 22 Mineral Blocks for Cattle Grazing Crested Wheatgrass Pastures 30

Effect of Distillers Grains Plus Solubles and Monensin Supplementation on Grazing Steers 32

Comparison of Wet or Dry Distillers Grains Plus Solubles to Corn as an Energy Source in Forage-Based Diets 34

Effects of Processing Treated Corn Stover and Distillers Grains on Performance of Growing Cattle 36

Digestibility of Calcium Oxide Treated Corn Residue with De-Oiled Distillers Grains 38

Digestibility of De-oiled Modified Distillers Grains Plus Solubles in Forage-based Diets 40

Evaluation of the Impact of an Alternative Corn Residue Harvest Method on Performance and Methane Emissions from Growing Cattle 42

Effect of Diet on the Rumen Microbial Community Composition of Growing Cattle and the Role It Plays in Methane Emissions 45

Forage Management and Crop Residue Utilization

Stocking Rate Effects on Forage Nutrient Composition in Early Summer Pastures 48

Effects of Grazing on Nebraska Sandhills Meadow Forage Nutrient Content 51

Effect of Corn Residue Removal on Subsequent Crop Yields 53

Effect of Corn Plant Maturity on Yield and Nutrient Quality of Corn Plants 56

Evaluation of Changes in Nutritional Quality of Corn Residue Over Time 59

Effect of Harvest Method on In Vitro Digestibility of Corn Residues 62

Effects of Ingestion and Collection Bag Type on Nutrient Composition of Forage Samples from Esophageally Fistulated Cattle 64


Feeding Elevated Levels of Corn Silage and MDGS in Finishing Diets 66

The Effects of Corn Price, Shrink, and Harvest Moisture on Corn Silage Economics 68

Evaluation of Rumen Metabolism and Digestibility of Corn Silage and MDGS Finishing Diets 71

Response to Increasing Concentrations of De-oiled Modified Distillers Grains Plus Solubles in Beef Feedlot Diets 74

Feeding Value of De-oiled Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Relative to Normal When Fed with Either Dry-Rolled Corn or Steam-Flaked Corn in Beef Finishing Diets 77

Nutrient Digestibility and Ruminal pH of Finishing Diets Containing Dry Milling Byproducts with and without Oil Extraction 80

Effects of Replacing Corn with a Pelleted Treated Corn Stover and Distillers Grains on Intake and Total Tract Digestibility of Finishing Diets 83

Effects of Replacing Corn with a Pelleted Treated Corn Stover and Distillers Grains on Performance of Finishing Cattle 86

Using Enspira to Improve Fiber Digestion 88

Effect of 300 or 400 mg Daily of Ractopamine Hydrochloride on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Finishing Steers During the Last 14, 28, or 42 Days 90

Effects of Three Aggressive Implant Protocols on Feedlot Performance and Carcass Traits of Calf-Fed Steers 94

A Comparison of Two Implant Protocols: Synovex-Choice/Synovex-Plus vs Synovex-S/Revalor-S on Steer Feedlot Performance and Carcass Characteristics 96

Effect of Zinc and Copper Source on Finishing Steer Feedlot Performance and Incidence of Footrot 98

Effects of Next Enhance® Concentrations in Finishing Diets on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Yearling Feedlot Cattle 101

Evaluating Two Rates of Monensin Fed During the Grain Adaptation Period on Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics 103

Effects of Dietary Fat Source and Monensin on Methane Emissions, VFA Profile, and Performance of Finishing Steers 105

Mineral Composition of Beef Cattle Carcasses 108

Mineral Composition of Serial Slaughter Holstein Carcasses 111

Anaerobic Digestion of Feedlot Manure 115

Beef Products

A Basic Mechanism of Beef Tenderization: Feeding Wet Distilers Grains Plus Solubles Contributes to Sarcoplasmic

Reticulum Membrane Instability 117

The Effects of Source and Amount of Nitrite on Quality Characteristics of All-Beef Frankfurters 120

Effect of Feeding Distillers Grains in Different Phases of Production on the Fatty Acid Profile and Oxidation of Frozen,

Cooked Beef Links 122

Effect of Feeding Distillers Grains and Supplementing with Dietary Antioxidants on Ground Beef Color During Retail Display 124

Statistics Used in Nebraska Beef Cattle Report and Their Purpose 125

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