"Supplementing Cow-Calf Pairs Grazing Smooth Bromegrass" by Jason M. Warner, Annie J. Doerr et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



2015 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report, University of Nebraska—Lincoln Extension, MP101.


Copyright © 2015 University of Nebraska.


A three-year study evaluated supplementing ethanol co-products mixed with low-quality forage to cow-calf pairs grazing smooth bromegrass as a method to replace grazed forage intake. Supplementing a 30:70 modified distillers grains plus solubles:cornstalks mixture reduced estimated grazed forage intake by approximately 40%. Doubling the stocking rate and supplementing did not impact cow or calf performance. A summer supplementation program designed to reduce grazed forage intake is a viable strategy for increasing stocking rate if forage for grazing is limited.
