"Student Perceptions and Knowledge of the Feedlot Industry and the Feed" by Rachel A. Oglesbee, Meredith L. Bremer et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



2016 Nebraska Beef Cattle Reports


© The Board Regents of the University of Nebraska. All rights reserved.


A survey was developed for seniors in the undergraduate feedlot management class (ASCI 457) at UNL to gauge interest in feedlot management as a profession and familiarity with the Feedyard Management Internship Program. Th e survey found that students feel the internship is beneficial for a future in production agriculture. Th e internship increases confidence of employment and management skills once participation is complete along with gaining experience. Th e number of positions available and the average salary of feedlot managers are underestimated by students. Recruiting efforts appear to be informing students of the program.

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