"Effect of Corn Plant Maturity on Yield and Nutrient Quality of Corn P" by Cassandra A. Row, Robert G. Bondurant et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



2016 Nebraska Beef Cattle Reports


© The Board Regents of the University of Nebraska. All rights reserved.


Corn plots were serially harvested over 2 years to evaluate changes in nutrient content, digestibility, and yield as plants matured from half- milk line through black layer. In yr 1 (2013), short (102 d) and normal (111 d) season hybrids were grown. Year 2 used 111 d and 112 d hybrids. Silage and grain yield increased until black layer. Silage DM increased with maturity to 42% at black layer. Percent NDF in the stover, NDF- digestibility and overall silage TDN increased quadratically as maturity increased. Th ere is a balance between moisture content, nutrient content, and silage yield, as corn plants mature.

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