"Production of High-Quality Beef–The Nebraska Advantage" by Chris R. Calkins

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



2018 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. University of Nebraska Extension MP105. Lincoln, NE.


© 2017 The Board Regents of the University of Nebraska.


Here is a clear description of the Nebraska Advantage in producing high-quality beef: the right genetics, numerous pastures, a multitude of cattle, great water resources, locally-grown corn, the availability of ethanol byproducts for feed, and young cattle that grow fast, with sufficient marbling and subcutaneous fat to ensure tender, flavorful, beef. The science of beef quality supports this production system. The state supports its citizens and agriculture through the University of Nebraska and the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, augmenting the infrastructure. If one could invent an ideal place to produce high-quality beef, it would look much like Nebraska! The impact of high-quality beef production to the state is profound. Nebraska leads the nation in beef produced for the European Union, total beef and veal exports, and commercial slaughter cattle. The economic impact of beef is nearly $5,500 per person in Nebraska. Sustainable production of high-quality beef is very important to the state.
