"Animal Sciences into the 21st Century"

Department of Animal Science



Date of this Version



Published by Department of Animal Science, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Copyright 1988. Used by permission.


Life in Nebraska has always been closely tied to the land and its products. The animal resources of this state feed people throughout the world, and future findings in the animal industry can impact every person on earth. It is with this vision of service to the community, both local and global, that the University of Nebraska – Lincoln has provided a continually expanding Department of Animal Science. Educating young Nebraskans in all phases of the animal production cycle and researching ways to improve the animal industry have been a growing part of UNL’s academic life for nearly 100 years. The latest development in that growth is the new Animal Sciences Building. Dedicating this complex recognizes the past and anticipates the future of the University’s commitment to the animal sciences.

Animal science programs at the University of Nebraska began with the establishment of the Department of Animal Husbandry by the Board of Regents in 1898. The first reference to experimental work with livestock was in 1891. The Animal Husbandry staff was housed in two rooms in the south wing of Agricultural Hall until moving into Animal Husbandry Hall in 1917. Animal Husbandry Hall, completed in 1908 and dedicated as Miller Hall in 1972, also housed agronomy and the Judging Pavillion.
