Anthropology, Department of


First Advisor

Effie Athanassopoulos

Date of this Version


Document Type



A thesis presented to the faculty of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Arts

Major: Anthropology

Under the supervision of Professor Effie Athanassopoulos

Lincoln, Nebraska, December 2016


Copyright © 2016, Morgan Cheyenne Beyer


The Black Hills region was one of the last areas of the American West where Native tribes were able to escape the intervention of the federal government. Because of this and the cultural ties that many Plains Indian tribes hold to the area, this region would seem to be one where non-reservation historic period Native American sites are abundant. The goals of this research were to identify markers that could be utilized by archaeologists to differentiate Native American sites and Euro American sites from the same historic time period in the Black Hills Region, positively identify the occupation of certain sites within the boundaries of Wind Cave National Park, and determine if metal detection and pedestrian survey could be used effectively in the field to achieve these two goals. The investigation was comprised of both historical research and archaeological fieldwork that included metal detector survey and artifact collection. Findings, unfortunately, indicate little about the possible occupation of these sites, though there is hope for future research on these and other similar sites.

Adviser: Effie Athanassopoulos

Included in

Anthropology Commons
