Anthropology, Department of
Department of Anthropology: Theses
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Scavenging as an Accelerant in the Postmortem Interval Estimate: Refining Quantitative Regressions for Decomposition Analyses in Southeast Nebraska, Jenna L. Alexander
The Kruger Collection Reimagined: A Case Study in 3D Scanning and Interactive Exhibit Design, Annissa Davis
A Manual on the Planning and Integration of Archaeological Methods in to Outdoor Forensic Search Investigations, Jonathan Robert Garcia
The Osteobiography of Human Remains from the Seaview and Indian Town Trail Archaeological Sites, Maggie M. Klemm
Numerical Variations in the Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebrae within the John A. Williams Skeletal Collection, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC (USA), Leanna Annette Sanford
How Gender Affirming Care Affects the Current Sex Estimation Standards in Forensic Anthropology: A Preliminary Study, Dakota Taylor
A Manual for the Recovery of CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive) Contaminated Human Remains, Patrick Barchett
The Impacts of Site Formation Processes on Excavation Methodology: The Study of a World War II B-24 Crash Site in Munster, Germany, Alicia J. Lawson
A Brief Comparison of Two Early Neighborhoods: Consumerism and Social Class in 20th Century Lincoln, Nebraska, Mariska Molnar
The Woodcliff Experiment: Zooarchaeological Applications Using a Legacy and Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Faunal Collection, Matthew Zmijewski
Insular Interconnectivity in the Viking Age: A Geospatial View from Norse Jarlshof, Trent Michael Carney
A Fusion of Microscopy Technique in Human Coprolite Analysis: the Dyck Cliff Dwelling and the Arid West Cave, William Darwin Hertzel
Implications of Ancestry Estimation: An analysis of identification rates in unidentified persons cases, Gabrielle Mace
Tracking and Estimating the Commingling of Missing U.S. Service Personnel: A GIS and Forensic Anthropological Approach, Mason McKinney
Systemic Stress in Mid-Century American Military Service Members: The Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Military Service Length on the Human Skeleton, Brianna L. Petersen
Odontometric Sex Estimation Using a Modern Forensic Skeletal Collection, Andrea Sbei
Teaching Pedagogy of Online vs In-Person Learning: Relative to Osteology, Erik Schulz
Expedient GIS and 3D Technology to Promote Public Awareness of European Crypts as Digital Heritage, Ruth Grady
Recovery Method for Mites Discovered in Mummified Human Tissue, Jessica Smith
Women and the Mealing Room: Presenting a Comparative Analysis of Female Spaces across the Chacoan Landscape, Olivia H. Thomsen
Urbanization of the Salt Plains: Early Industry and Material Culture of the Kauffman Neighborhood, June Weber
Applying Settlement Scaling at Copán: Furthering Exploration into Ancient Maya Urban Dynamics, Ellis Owen Arnold Codd
Estimating Age from 2D and 3D Imaging of Skeletal Remains: an Assessment of Reliability Using the Medial Clavicle, Sarah Ghannam
When Leaders Surrender Their Divine Lineage: The Loss of Cosmic Connection Between Maya Local Lords and Their Supernatural Deities, Amy S. Peterson
Learning from Those Who Served: Application of Regression-Based Body Mass Estimation Methods to the USS Oklahoma Population, Maxwell Rooney
Humeri Spatulate Tools Associations and Function in Chaco Canyon, NM, Sara L. Anderson
An Analysis of Ground Stone from the Basketmaker Communities Project in Montezuma County, Southwest Colorado, Anna R. Dempsey Alves
The Search for Fort Lisa in the Vicinity of Omaha, Nebraska: A GIS Site Location Model, Brian C. Goodrich
Using Virtual Reality and Remotely Sensed Data to Explore Object Identity and Embodiment in a Virtual Mayan City, Cole F. Juckette
Lithic Analysis of an Early Archaic Assemblage on the Great Plains: The Spring Creek Site (25FT31), Andrea Elizabeth Kruse
OSL and Ceramic Analysis at the Humphrey Site, Ryan Mathison
Modeling Sound in Ancient Maya Cities: Moving Towards a Synesthetic Experience using GIS and 3D Simulation, Graham Goodwin
Life in Lincoln: Deciphering the Archaeological Material Culture of a Turn of the 20th Century Neighborhood, Amy Neumann
Referencing People and Places: Multivocality and the Materiality of Memory in Archaeological Landscapes, Jade L. Robison
Archaeology and Tourism in the Early 20th Century: Pompeii through a Photographic Archive, Rebecca A. Salem
Dressing the Part: Clothing and Gender Identity on the Frontier Artifacts from Steamboat Bertrand, Kami Ahrens
Coffee Quality, Land Use, and Processing in the Cajamarca Region of Peru, Jonathan E. Ferguson
Patterns of Variation in Deciduous Second and Permanent First Molars Among Chimpanzee Taxa, Livia A. Taylor
Metal and Glass: An Investigation of Possible Historic Period Native American Sites in Wind Cave National Park, Morgan C. Beyer
A Pilot Study for Examining Population Movement During the Peri-Medieval Climatic Anomaly in the Nebraska Sand Hills, Nora C. Greiman
Meeting Halfway: Collaborative Public Outreach and Lithic Material Sourcing in the High Plains of Nebraska, Luke R. Hittner
Integrative 3D Recording Methods of Historic Architecture: Burg Hohenecken From Southwest Germany, Aaron C. Pattee
Illuminating Hopewell Legacy Data: A Case Study of Mound 23 at Hopewell Mound Group, Margaret Robinson
The Use and Application of Photogrammetry for the In-field Documentation of Archaeological Features: Three Case Studies from the Great Plains and Southeastern Alaska, Michael Chodoronek
Exploring the Evolutionary Origins of Obesity through the Endocrine-Physical Activity-Bone Axis, Maria G. Lapera
Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Pan Frontal Bone Morphology, Allen J. Myhra
Emerging from the Shadows: Civil War, Human Rights, and Peacebuilding among Peasants and Indigenous Peoples in Colombia and Peru in the Late 20th and Early 21st Centuries, Charles A. Flowerday
Roman Baths at Antiochia ad Cragum: A Preliminary Evaluation of Bath Architecture as Social Signals in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Holly J. Staggs
An Examination of Chipped Stone from Two Middle Holocene Archaeological Sites in the East Central Great Plains, Christine A. Nycz
Experimentation in Sling Weaponry: Effectiveness of and Archaeological Implications for a World-Wide Primitive Technology, Eric T. Skov
An Historical Archaeological Investigation of the Indianola Prisoner of War Camp in Southwestern Nebraska, Allison Marie Young
Ambushed at Dawn: An Archeological Analysis of the Catastrophic Defeat of the 1720 Villasur Expedition, Benjamin J. Bilgri
Nebraska Phase Occupational History through the Study of Various Taphochronometric Indicators, Brittany A. Brooks
Reclaiming the Sacred within the Legal Pluralism Phenomenon: ndigenous People's Rights over Cultural Property, Angela Mae C. Buenafe
Dynamic Reconfiguration of Pawnee Social Organization in the Proto-Historic and Historic Eras, Amanda F. Callahan-Mims
Status and Prosociality in Egalitarian Societies, Zachary Garfield
The Social Bioarchaeology of Childhood as Applied to the Analysis of an Excavated Mid- to Late-Nineteenth-Century Mennonite Cemetery, Berne, Indiana, Jennifer L. Hildebrand
Taking Archaeology to the Classroom: A Model for a Fifth Grade In-class Fieldtrip, Tamara J. Luce
Displays of Personal Adornent and Body Decoration by Nineteenth Century Lakota (Sioux) Tribes: A Costly Signaling Model, Michelle L. Night Pipe
Alternative Individual Cartridge Case Identification Techniques, Curtis H. Sedlacek
The Road to Pomp and Circumstance for ELL Students: The Perceived Ambivalent Schooling Experience of ELL Students with Mexican Ancestry in an Urban Midwestern High School, Kristine M. Sudbeck
Omaha, Nebraska's Costly Signaling at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition of 1898, Courtney L. Cope Ziska
The Aputu: An Examination and Analysis of a War Club-Form Distinctive to the Guianas, Donald Arp Jr.
A Survey of Agricultural Productivity and Nutritional Status in Rural South Wollo, Ethiopia, Anne M. Cafer
Women's Rights and the Millennium Development Goals, Caroline A. Jones
Diet and Disease: Subsistence Change and Tuberculosis among the Pawnee, Omaha and Winnebago in the Nineteenth Century, Owen J. O'Reilly
Virtual Communities as Egalitarian Societies: Why Contributions Matter and What They Mean, Kristen E. Rodgers
Nebraska's Traditional Cultural Properties in the Section 106 Process, Karen A. Steinauer
America Hates the Westboro Baptist Church: The Battle to Preserve the Funerals of Fallen Soldiers, Kendra L. Suesz
Precarious Collaborations: A Study of Interpersonal Conflict and Resolution Strategies in Local Rock Bands, Ryan Thomas
Nail Distributions as Structural Insight at The Beaver Creek Trail Crossing Site (25sw49), Seward County, Nebraska, David M. Amrine
The Preservation of Archaeological Records and Photographs, Kelli Bacon
Trade Liberalization, Corn Prices and a Rural Community in Guatemala, José N. Cabrera-Schneider
Awaiting the Call: Historic Sites Monitoring and Preservation at Fort Charlotte (21CK7), Grand Portage National Monument, Minnesota, Andrew E. LaBounty
A Ditch by Any Other Name is Still a Ditch: An Archaeological Assessment of Ditch Earthworks on the Middle Missouri in the Dakotas, Albert M. LeBeau
Spirit of the Law: A Case Study in the Application of NAGPRA to Collections from Hopewell Culture National Historical Park, a Unit of the National Park Service, Keely A. Rennie-Tucker
Hanseatic Cogs and Baltic Trade: Interrelations between Trade Technology and Ecology, Jillian R. Smith
Exploration into Human Polyandry: An Evolutionary Examination of the Non-Classical Cases, Kathrine E. Starkweather
Home on the Plains: An Examination of Place at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument through Chipped Stone Tool Analysis, Cynthia J. Wiley
Temporal and Spatial Dietary Variability in the Prehistoric Lower and Middle Osmore Drainage: The Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Evidence, Karin L. Sandness
Frontier Subsistence: An Example of Nineteenth Century Fur Trade Food Procurement, Leslie A. Perry
The Transient Rescue Mission: A Study in Cultural Adaptation, Patrick F. McCarty
Aboriginal Exploitation of Marine Food Resources, Alan J. Osborn
The Anoka Focus, Thomas A. Witty
The Lynch Site, 25BD1, Mary Louise Freed