Anthropology, Department of


First Advisor

Heather Richards-Rissetto

Date of this Version

Spring 4-23-2021

Document Type



A thesis presented to the faculty of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Arts

Major: Anthropology

,p>Under the supervision of Professor Heather Richards-Rissetto

Lincoln, Nebraska, April 2021


Copyright © 2021, Ruth E. Grady


The thesis is investigation of GIS and 3D technology as ways to expediently document and disseminate information on European crypts as digital heritage. Digital technologies afford new opportunities to find, document, preserve, and share our past creating a wide and growing range of digital texts, databases, audio, video, illustrations, and software. While there are a wide range of digital technologies and digital data types employed in cultural heritage, 3D technologies such as lidar scanning are increasingly becoming a critical component to record cultural heritage. The case study focuses on two Sicilian crypts—Santa Maria Dell’Itria dei Cocchieri and Capuchin Church—located in Palermo and Santa Lucia del Mela. I used a Structure Core 3D Scanner—a low-cost off-the-shelf expedient tool—attached to an IPAD to rapidly acquire the 3D data. The 3D scans of these two crypts in combination with the digital maps represent a small part of the ways digital heritage can contribute toward creating public awareness of often-overlooked cultural heritage.

Advisor: Heather Richards-Rissetto

Included in

Anthropology Commons
