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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1967. Department of Home Economics Education.


Copyright 1967, the author. Used by permission.


The major purpose for this study was to ascertain the proficiency of home economics education majors in subject matter as determined by the National Teacher Examination. More specifically, the investigator was seeking an answer to the following question: “What information, in regard to student proficiency, do National Teacher Examination scores identify?”

A random sample of the students was selected to take the National Teacher Examination administered at the University of Nebraska on March 18, 1967. The scores received by these students were used as a means of comparison throughout the study.

The investigator attempted to determine the relationship that exists between student achievement on the National Teacher Examination and selected factors including grade point average, personal background information, and the number of course credits of home economics education majors. The areas examined for purposes of identifying the relationship were professional education background, general education background, home economics subject matter background, and personal background.

Advisor: Shirley Kreutz
