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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1967. Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition.


Copyright 1967, the author. Used by permission.


Are the fatty acids found in the uredospores synthesized by the plant or by the fungus itself?The following study attempts to answer this question.

In these experiments, radioisotope tracer techniques were used to study incorporation of labeled substrates into fatty acids of leaf tissue and spores during incubation of infected cut leaves.The effects of light and darkness on the fatty acid synthesis in both infected leaves and spores were studied.Differences in the labeling patters and composition of the leaves and uredospores were then analyzed to determine the characteristics of fatty acid synthesis by the uredospore form of red bean rust.

Incorporation studies of acetate-1-14C into bean leaves infected with Uromyces phaseoli indicate that the fungi is synthesizing fatty acids independent of the host plant.Fatty acid compositions of the parasites and the host differ greatly.Light enhanced fatty acid synthesis in the leaf tissue, but the uredospores did not respond to light stimulation.The labeling patterns with acetate-1-14C in the infected leaf tissue and the uredospores were very different.

The fatty acid synthesis of the fungi utilizes acetate, but is not stimulated by light.

Advisor:Herman Knoche
