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Thesis (M.A.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1933. Department of Secondary Education.


Copyright 1933, the author. Used by permission.


This investigation was undertaken (1) to organize and analyze a collection of problems which originated in the teaching of mathematics and were reported in 1925 by teachers of that subject in grades nine to twelve in inclusive, (2) to determine the types of problems and (3) to study these problems.After the difficulties were classified, we decided to investigate further those questions which are related to the materials and methods of teaching mathematics. This led to placing emphasis on the questions that are pertinent to motivating the study of mathematics because the problem of motivation was the most frequently mentioned problem.

The aims of the study are (1) to determine the nature and frequencies of the problems of teachers of mathematics, (2) to classify and analyze the difficulties, and (3) to cite devices and suggestions, as found in literature, for arousing and maintaining motivation.

A diary was kept of the problems reported by the teachers of mathematics in twenty-eight first class high schools.A professional history of each contributor was obtained and recorded.The actual experiences in the classroom were recorded by the teachers, were sent to the principal’s office each weekend for eight weeks, and were forwarded by him.During the eight week period, 444 problems were reported by eighty-four teachers.

Advisor: Harlan C. Koch
