Extension, Cooperative
Date of this Version
Document Type
Goss, R.W. and Werner, H.O. (1929) Seed potato treatment tests for control of scab and Rhizoctonia (Research Bulletin: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska No. 44)
Potato scab annually takes a very large toll from the potato growers of Nebraska. Rhizoctonia causes considerable loss each year, particularly in the early-potato sections, where it decreases stand and yield. These losses are caused by infection from both the soil and the seed. The investigations reported in this paper deal only with the control of the infection arising from the seed. Even though potato seed treatments have been recommended for many years, the diversity of recommendations being made at present by various agencies is very confusing to the grower and research worker alike. Many of the reports from different parts of the United States have been quite contradictory and a survey of the literature indicates that in many cases the conflicting results may have been due to local conditions. It was the purpose of the present investigations to determine the relative value of various seed treatments under the several conditions existing in the potato-growing sections of Nebraska.
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ISSN 0097-1375