Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


Document Type



Van Es, L. and Martin, H.M. (1930) The incidence of avian tuberculosis in mammals other than swine (Research bulletin: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska No. 49)


ISSN 0097-1380


The recognition of a very widespread and intense distribution of avian tuberculosis on the farms of a wide area of the United States, as well as the involvement of a mammalian species also, brought to the foreground the question whether or not the great prevalence of poultry tuberculosis could be of importance also from a public health point of view. This phase of the problem not only pertains to the people on the farms but likewise is of fundamental importance to the consumers of poultry produce. European authors had already identified the avian tubercle bacillus in human lesions while in this country careless speakers outside the profession of medicine and irresponsible journalists had made more or less sensational statements on the subject. The alleged public health phase of avian tuberculosis was regarded as warrant for an attempt to acquire more definite information on this subject. The importance of the problem arising from the widespread distribution of avian tuberculosis and its demonstrated communicability to at least one mammalian species of economic importance justified an extension of the investigation and hence the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station undertook the inquiry, the results of which are set forth in the following account.
