Art, Art History and Design, School of
School of Art, Art History, and Design: Theses and Student Creative Work
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TITLE: Fill it in using title case (that is, capitals for the first letter of all words except articles and prepositions).
AUTHOR: In each respective box, enter your names (and/or initials) as they appear on the title page of your dissertation or thesis. You are the sole author; your advisor is not considered a co-author. Institution is University of Nebraska-Lincoln (not "at Lincoln" or ", Lincoln"). Do not leave this field blank.
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DATE OF THIS VERSION: Month and Year only.
CITATION: Copy and paste the rest of whatever appears on the title page of your work. It usually starts with something like “A THESIS Presented to the Faculty …” and ends with “Lincoln, Nebraska [month] [year].”
ABSTRACT: Just include the body of the abstract, not the title or your name, but DO add your advisor’s name at the end of the abstract after the word Advisor and a colon, like this: Advisor: ….
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Click the SUBMIT button at the bottom.
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CONGRATULATIONS on reaching this amazing milestone in your academic career!
3. After your initial deposit
Upon deposit, you will receive an email that your submission has been received; you need to show the Graduate Office this message.
Before we complete your upload, we usually wait a day or two to give you an opportunity to correct those oops issues that seem to emerge just after deposit. Before it’s been posted, you can still log back in and select Revise and upload a new version so you can upload a version with your advisor's name spelled right or whatever else needs to be fixed.
It is important that you DO NOT resubmit another file after it’s been posted online. This causes lots of problems.
But have no fear: If further changes are needed after it’s been posted, you can send a revised file to the series administrator (Sue Gardner) requesting to replace it.
In This Time and Place, Christy Aggens
Permutations, Casey Beck
Softly and Tenderly Calling, Jewelya Coffey
4:44, Matthew Meyer
Is It Gonna Be Fun?, Kim Tomlinson
or to be eaten alive, Christopher Williams
bound by matter, Carlie Antes
Until Morning, Asher Berard
Silhouette, Andy Bissonnette
The Midwestern Aristocracy: Anders Zorn's Portraits in Gilded Age St. Louis, Rebekah Hoke Brown
am i another you?, Laura Diane Cobb
QUALIA, Maxwell Henderson
QUALIA, Maxwell Henderson
magic mirrors, Jamie Ho
All I Am, All I Am Not, Courtney Kuehn
Why sweep the cinders…, Gretchen Larsen
Spit Brimming with Futures, Penny Molesso
Spectacle in the Roman Imperial Funeral Procession, William Smith
me tengo que ir, Eddy Leonel Aldana
It Won’t Be Easy, Allison Arkush
Idylls, Madison Aunger
I Want to Go Home, Amber Boris
A Natural History (Built to be Seen), Austin Cullen and Austin Wray Cullen
Brick Collage, Dehmie Dehmlow
Salt in Our Bones, Hannah Demma
The Ghosts Shed Tears, Sarah Jentsch
Short Stories, Tall Tales, Chance Lure Allen
Slowly but Surely, Katie Bosley
Tomorrow is the Worst Day Since Yesterday, Matthew Carlson
Devastation Experienced When Two Individuals Stop Kissing One Another, Isaiah Jones
Things Change, Julia Leggent
Take Your Time, Terry A. Ratzlaff
The Use of Egyptian Blue in Funerary Paintings from Roman Egypt, Margaret Sather
Growth, Taylor Sijan
The Weight of It All, Amythest Warrington
Gendering Art History in the Victorian Age: Anna Jameson, Elizabeth Eastlake, and George Eliot in Florence, Antje Anderson
Eat My Quartz, Neil Celani-Morrell
What the Eyes See and the Mind Knows, Amanda Durig
Cornucopia, Patrick Hargraves
I Poked You Where We Were Connected, Sophia Ruppert
Of Water Jars and Women: A Re-evaluation of Fountain House Imagery on Late Archaic Black-Figure Hydriai, Christopher Askew
ENTANGLED, Katherine Cox
Crushing Caution, Lindsey Day
Patronage and Portable Portraits: Early English Miniatures: 1520-1544, Ashley Owens
A Walk Through Shadows, Nicholas Sheldon
This is Just to Say, Iren Tete
Restorative, Mallory Trecaso
Malleable Perspectives, Erik White
The Adjacent, Phoebe Jan-McMahon
IN BETWEEN, Wansoo Kim
A Synthesis of Structures, Patrick Kingshill
Re-Making The Mark, Zora Murff
It Can't Leave You The Way It Finds You, Kyle Nobles
Pottery and Purpose: Using GIS to Evaluate the 'Scroll' Jars at Qumran, Patricia A. Patton
Time and Lines, Richard Pecos Pryor
Someday I'll Find the Sun, John-David Richardson
Between Global and Local: Geometric Patterns of Gallic Roman Mosaics, Rebecca Salem
Representations of Mainstream and Marginalized Subjects in the Work of Diane Arbus, Grace Short
A Certain Kind of Woman, Emily Wiethorn
CHIMERA rising, Rosana Ybarra
Domestic Curiosities, Larry D. Buller
Object Landscape, Stuart B. Gair
The Quick and The Dead, Robert Hall
pause, Bryon Hartley
The Origins and Identity of Roman Mithraism, Charles R. Hill
Viewing Heaven: Rock Crystal, Reliquaries, and Transparency in Fourteenth-Century Aachen, Claire Kilgore
Ephemeral Permanence, Emily Reason
Shattered Ceilings: Roof Tile Analysis on Survey Archaeology Projects, Rebecca Salem
The Talismanic Seal Stone of Crete: A Re-evaluation., Catherine Stram
Deconstructing Ideas of Utility through the Making of Ceramic Vessels, Iren Tete
Whitetail, Michael Steven Villarreal
Two-faced and Vulnerable, Stephanie Wright
The Rug's Topography, Rana Young
Insight: An Invitation, Joyce Bingeman
Land/People, Amanda R. Breitbach
Don't Worry, Patricia L. Davis
Ripple, Surge, Release, Meryl E. Engler
Zero Street, Keith Graham
Until It Doesn't, Kendall Johnson
When The Wind Stops, Qwist Joseph
Tangled Knot Tied, Shalya Marsh
Representing Propaganda: Anti-Tyrannical Art of the Greek, Roman, and French Populist Agendas, Katherine Norgard
Maybe the Gate Could Be a Fan, Erin L. Schoenbeck
Esprit de Corps, Shalbey L. Workman
Constructing Helen Frankenthaler: Redefining a 'Woman' Artist Since 1960, Alexandra P. Alberda
Line Language, Albert Avi Arenfeld
Between Historical Truth and Story-Telling: The Twentieth-Century Fabrication of “Artemisia”, Britiany Daugherty
Man to Man, Chadric Devin Harms
Inner Struggle, Hiromi Iyoda
On Nine Mile, Allen Morris
Dear, Whoever You Are, I Don't Care Who You Are, Adrienne Smart
Lucas Cranach's Samson and Delilah in Northern European Art, Jacqueline S. Spackman
Half-Light, Kelly A. Stading
Unknown, Gabrielle E. Valdez
Form in Place, Normandy Alden
Constructions of Black Identity in the Work of Glenn Ligon and Kara Walker, Shadé R. Ayorinde
The Imperial Temple at Antiochia ad Cragum: Aspects of Architecture and Iconography, Geraldine S. Dobos
Iterations, Thomas Lowell Edwards
A Language In Becoming, Camille C. Hawbaker