"Fish Oil Intake During Gestation and Lactation Attenuated STZ-Induced " by Rong Fan, Shalom Thomas et al.

Biochemistry, Department of


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Date of this Version



Curr Dev Nutr. 2022 Jun; 6(Suppl 1): 640. Published online 2022 Jun 14.

doi: 10.1093/cdn/nzac061.024

PMCID: PMC9194029


Fish oil (FO) has been demonstrated to activate brown thermogenesis and attenuate inflammation in the brown adipose tissue (BAT). Previously, we have reported thatmaternal FO supplementation promotes BAT activity of the weaned mice pups. However, whether maternal FO intake could confer sustainable metabolic benefits to offspring remains uncovered. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the differential impact of maternal FO during pregnancy versus lactation on BAT transcriptome and evaluate the role of bioactive lipid metabolites derived from maternal FO supplementation on the extended metabolic benefits of older pups in the context of type 1 diabetes (T1D).

Conclusions: Our results suggested that maternal FO intake in pregnancy and lactation, at least partly, protects against the risk of T1D of the offspring through augmented BAT function and antiinflammatory oxylipin production.
