![Erforschung biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei / Exploration into the Biological Resources of Mongolia, ISSN 0440-1298](../assets/md5images/852a734e5468ed72ada07823dbe20538.jpg)
Institut für Biologie der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Erforschung biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei / Exploration into the Biological Resources of Mongolia, ISSN 0440-1298
Recruitment of Larix sibirica Ledeb. in Closed Forest Stands, on Clear-Felling Sites and at Fire-Sites in the Forests of Mongolia, Vasiliy T. Yarmishko and Nikolay N. Slemnev
Waterbirds of Uvs-Nuur Depression, T. P. Archimaeva-Ozerskaya and V. I. Zabelin
A Contribution to the Bats Inhabiting Arid Steppe Habitats in Central Mongolia, Nyambayar Batbayar, Ariunbold Jargalsaikhan, and Sukhchuluun Gansukh
Auswertung der in den Jahren 1993-2009 im östlichen Altai (Russland) und südöstlichen Altai (Tyva) gesammelten Federn und Rupfungen, W.-D. Busching
Einige Bemerkungen zur Biologie der Wüstenkröte (Bufo raddei), Ellen Driechciarz and René Driechciarz
Das Baikalo-Mongolische Übergangsgebiet und seine Bedeutung für die Dynamik der Avifauna der Baikalgrabenzone, Juri Durnev and Marina Sonina
Gustav Radde in Sibirien: Zum 150. Jubiläum der Baikalexpedition (1855-1859), Juri Durnev, Michael Stubbe, and Annegret Stubbe
The Institute for Raptor Studies Expeditions in Mongolia, 1994-2000, David H. Ellis
Characteristics of Mongolian Wild Ass Hooves (Equus hemionus hemionus), Jan Gahsche, Michael Stubbe, Matthias Oppermann, N. Batsajchan, and Annegret Stubbe
Do Nest Materials and Nest Substrates affect the Breeding of Buteo hemilasius in the Mongolian Steppe?, Sundev Gombobaatar, B. Odkhuu, Yosef Reuvan, B. Gantulga, B. Amartuvshin, and D. Usukhjargal
In Memoriam, Academician Prof. Dr. Osor Shagdarsuren (1929-2010), Sundev Gombobaatar, D. Sumiya, R. Samiya, B. Bayartogtokh, S. Shar, Nyamsuren Batsajchan, M. Altantsetseg, Ch. Uuganbayar, D. Usukhjargal, P. Amartuvshin, P. Jargalsaikhan, Sh. Boldbaatar, N. Tseveenmyadag, G. Mainjargal, B. Nyambayar, E. R. Potapov, Michael Stubbe, Annegret Stubbe, and Andrew Dixon
Zum 300. Geburtstag Georg Wilhelm Stellers, Peter Hoffmann
Water Use of Asiatic Wild Asses in the Mongolian Gobi, Petra Kaczensky, V. Dresley, D. Vetter, H. Otgonbayar, and C. Walzer
The Use of High Frequency GPS Data to Classify Main Behavioural Categories in a Przewalski’s Horse in the Mongolian Gobi, Petra Kaczensky and Klaus Huber
Current State of Ixodidae Research in Mongolia, Daniel Kiefer, K. Pfister, D. Tserennorov, G. Bolormaa, D. Otgonbaatar, Ravčigijn Samjaa, E. G. Burmeister, and Mathias S. Kiefer
Distribution of Fleas (Siphonaptera) in Bird-Nests, Bird Siphonaptera on Mammalia and the Medical Importance of Interspecific Flea Transmission in Mongolia, Daniel Kiefer, K. Pfister, D. Tserennorov, D. Otgonbaatar, Ravčigijn Samjaa, D. Sumjaa, E. G. Burmeister, and Mathias S. Kiefer
Beobachtungen zu Unterscheidungsmerkmalen an Equidenschädeln, speziell zwischen denen von mongolischen Dschiggetai und Pferden, Roland Müller and Joachim Wussow
Estimates of Toad Headed Agama Density in Three Steppe Habitats of Mongolia, James Murdoch, Buyandelger Suuri, and Richard P. Reading
Ecology of Eurasian Black Vultures (Aegypius monachus) in Ikh Nart Nature Reserve, Mongolia, Richard P. Reading, David Kenny, John Azua, Travis Garrett, Mary Jo Willis, and Tsolmonjav Purevsuren
Comparative Morphology of Two Sympatric Species of Hedgehog in Ikh Nart Nature Reserve, Mongolia, Richard P. Reading, David Kenny, Sodnomphil Batdorj, and James Murdoch
Ectoparasites of Bats in Mongolia (Ischnopsyllidae, Nycteribiidae, Cimicidae and Spinturnicidae), Ingo Sceffler, Dietrich Dolch, Jargalsaikhan Ariunbold, Nyamsuren Batsajchan, Andreas Abraham, and Klaus Thiele
Temporal Dynamics of Group Size and Sexual Segregation in Ibex, N. J. Singh, S. Amgalanbaatar, and Richard P. Reading
Betr.: Schutz des Wildesels/Kulans (Equus h. hemionus) in der Mongolei [letter], Annegret Stubbe and Michael Stubbe
Beitrag zur Säugetierfauna des Staatlichen Naturschutzgebietes Azas in Tyva/Südsibirien = Contributions to Fauna and Ecology of Small Mammals of State Nature Reserve “Azas” in the Republic of Tyva /South Siberia, Annegret Stubbe, Michael Stubbe, V. V. Unžakov, A. P. Saveljev, N. I. Putincev, and W. Stubbe
Brutareale und Brutbiologie der Greifvogelarten der Mongolei = Grid Mapping and Breeding Ecology of Raptors in Mongolia, Michael Stubbe, Annegret Stubbe, Nayamsuren Batsaikhan, Sundev Gombobaatar, T. Stenzel, H. von Wehrden, Sh. Boldbaatar, B. Nayambayar, D. Sumjaa, Ravčigijn Samjaa, N. Ceveenmjadag, and A. Bold
Im Gedenken an den mongolischen Ornithologen Ajurzana Bold (1936-2007), M. Stubbe and Annegret Stubbe
Paleo-Environmental Changes in the Uvs Nuur Basin (Northwest-Mongolia), Michael Walther
Assessment of Non-Metric Skull Characters and Age Determination in the Asiatic Wild Ass Equus hemionus: A Methodological Approach, Hermann Ansorge, Annegret Stubbe, Nyamsuren Batsaikhan, Ravčigijn Samjaa, and Michael Stubbe
Semi-Wild Population of Kulans in the Bukhara Breeding Centre and Their Co-Habitation with Przewalski’s Horses, Karim Bahloul, Olga B. Pereladova, Natalia V. Soldatova, Ekaterina V. Sidorenko, and Antoine J. Sempere
Asiatic Wild Ass in Israel, David A. Blank
Über die Federmerkmale der mongolischen Habichte und Sperber Accipiter spec. im Vergleich zu den mitteleuropäischen Unterarten, Wolf-Dieter Busching
First Records and First Proven Breeding of Lesser Grey Shrike, Lanius minor, in Mongolia, Markus Deutsch and Axel Bräunlich
Contributions to the Chiroptera of Mongolia with First Evidences on Species Communities and Ecological Niches, Dietrich Dolch, Nyamsuren Batsaikhan, Klaus Thiele, Frank Burger, Ingo Scheffler, Andreas Kiefer, Frieder Mayer, Ravčigijn Samjaa, Annegret Stubbe, Michael Stubbe, Leonard Krall, and Dirk Steinhauser
Current Status of the Khulan (Equus hemionus) in the Trans-Altai Gobi, Enkhbileg Dulamtseren, Adiya Yadamjav, Dovchindorj Ganbold, and Mijidorj Batmunkh
Carl Hagenbeck und die Przewalskipferde, Klaus Gille and Stephan Hering-Hagenbeck
Die Forschungen der Mitarbeiter und Absolventen des Institutes für Geobotanik der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg in der Mongolei in Zusammenarbeit mit ihren mongolischen Fachkollegen, Werner Hilbig, Karsten Wesche, and Eckehart J. Jäger
Sustainable Natural Resource Use and Livelihood Improvement in South Gobi Protected Areas, J. Jargal
Identification of Herder-Wild Equid Conflicts in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in SW Mongolia, Petra Kaczensky, N. Enkhsaihan, O. Ganbaatar, and Christian Walzer
Asiatic Wild Asses in the Literature: What Do We Need to Know Now?, Sarah R.B. King
Feeding Ecology of Asiatic Wild Ass Equus hemionus, Jochen Lengger, Frieda Tataruch, and Christian Walzer
Population Assessment of Khulan (Equus hemionus) in Mongolia, Badamjav Lkhagvasuren
Kulan (Equus hemionus Pallas 1775) in Turkmenistan, Victor S. Lukarevskiy and Yu. K. Gorelov
Turkmenian Kulan (Equus onager kulan) Captive Population, Anna Mekarska
Surviving a Drought: Population Dynamics of Ochotona pallasi pricei in a Dry Steppe, Gobi Altai, Mongolia, Karin Nadrowski and Georg Miehe
The Birth of a Wild Ass (Equus hemionus khur) in India’s Little Rann of Kutch, Gertrud Neumann-Denzau
Remarks on the Social System of the Mongolian Wild Ass (Equus hemionus hemionus), Gertrud Neumann-Denzau and Helmut Denzau
Kiangs (Equus kiang, Moorcroft 1841) in Sikkim, India, Natalia V. Paklina and Chris van Orden
Numbers, Distribution and Social Structure of Kiang (Equus kiang Moorcroft 1841) Population in the Southwestern Part of Tibet, China, Natalia V. Paklina and Chris van Orden
Territorial Behaviour of Kiang (Equus kiang Moorcroft, 1841) in Ladakh (India), Natalia V. Paklina and Chris van Orden
Social Networks in Wild Asses: Comparing Patterns and Processes among Populations, Daniel I. Rubenstein, Siva Sundaresan, Ilya Fischhoff, and David Saltz
Zum Vorkommen ausgewählter Bembidion-Arten in der Mongolei (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Bembidiinae): 2. Beitrag zur Carabidenfauna der Mongolei, Peer Haro Schnitter
Comparative Demography and Dietary Resource Partitioning of Two Wild Ranging Asiatic Equid Populations, Ellen Schulz, Thomas Kaiser, Annegret Stubbe, Michael Stubbe, Ravčigijn Samjaa, Nyamsuren Batsaikhan, and Joachim Wussow
Social Organization and Determinants of Spatial Distribution of Khur (Equus hemionus khur), Nita Shah and Qamar Qureshi
Emerging Near-Real Time Forage Monitoring Technology with Application to Large Herbivore Management in Mongolia, Dennis P. Sheehy, Jerry W. Stuth, Douglas E. Johnson, Jay Angerer, and Douglas Tolleson
Investigation of the Kiang (Equus kiang, Equidae) Skull from Ladakh, India, Natalia Spasskaya
Biodiversity in Mongolia, Photos, Annegret Stubbe and Michael Stubbe
Morphology, Reproduction and Mortality of Equus hemionus hemionus in Mongolia, Annegret Stubbe, Michael Stubbe, and Nyamsuren Batsaikhan
Euchoreutes naso Sclater, 1890: Ein Säugetier-Endemit Zentralasiens, Annegret Stubbe, Michael Stubbe, Nyamsuren Batsaikhan, Ravčigijn Samjaa, Ellen Driechciarz, René Driechciarz, A. Schonert, and M. Winter
Quo vadis Equus hemionus hemionus in Mongolia?, Annegret Stubbe, Michael Stubbe, O. Shagdarsuren, Nyamsuren Batsaikhan, and Ravčigijn Samjaa
Quo vadis Equus hemionus hemionus in Mongolia?, Annegret Stubbe, Michael Stubbe, O. Shagdarsuren, Ravčigijn Samjaa, and Nayamsuren Batsaikhan
Biodiversity in Space and Time: Towards a Grid Mapping for Mongolia, Michael Stubbe, Annegret Stubbe, Henrik von Wehrden, Nayamsuren Batsaikhan, and Ravčigijn Samjaa
Up-Date on the Behaviour and Status of the Critically Endangered Onager, Equus hemionus onager, from Iran, Laurent Tatin, Bijan F. Darreh-Shoori, Christophe Tourenq, David Tatin, and Bijan Azmayesh
Some Information on the Ecology of Khulan (Equus hemionus Pallas, 1775) in the Western Part of the South Gobi Province, Mongolia, D. Tsendjav and S. Purevsuren
Mapping Khulan Habitats: A GIS-Based Approach, Henrik von Wehrden and Karsten Wesche
Capture and Anaesthesia of the Mongolian Wild Ass (E. hemionus), Chris Walzer, Petra Kaczensky, Oogii Ganbaatar, Namtar Enkhsaikhan, and Davaa Lkhagvasuren
An Overview on the State of Equus hemionus in Whole China, Weikang Yang
Biodiversity and Ecology of Soil Oribatid Mites (Acari: Oribatida) in the Grassland Habitats of Eastern Mongolia, Badamdorj Bayartogtokh
Ecology of Soil Microarthropods in Gobi Gurvan Saykhan Mountains, Southern Mongolia, Tsedev Bolortuya and Badamdorj Bayartogtokh
Beiträge zur Ökologie und Verbreitung der Steppenwühlmaus Microtus brandti Radde, 1861 in der Mongolei = Ecology and Distribution of the Steppe Vole Microtus brandti Radde, 1861 in Mongolia, N. Dawaa, Michael Stubbe, and Annegret Stubbe
Types of Areas and the Origin of Black Flies Fauna in Mongolia (Diptera: Simuliidae), Josef Halgoš
The Effects of Anthropogenic Impact on Plant and Soil Cover in Mongolia, Werner Hilbig and Christian Opp
Zur Nahrungsökologie des Uhus Bubo bubo in der Mongolei = Feeding Ecology of the Eagle Owl Bubo bubo in Mongolia, Thomas Hoffmann, Michael Stubbe, D. Heidecke, R. Piechocki, R. Samjaa, J. Erfurt, and D. Sumjaa
The Occurrence of Forest Plants in the Desert Mountains of Mongolia and Their Bearing on the History of the Climate, Eckehart Johannes Jäger
Flora of the Gurvan Saykhan Mountains, Tseden Jamsran, Batlai Oyuntsetseg, and Radnaakhand Tungalag
Winter Pasture Conditions and Forage Use by Argali (Ovis ammon) in Gobi Gurvan Saykhan National Park, Bayart Mandakh, Ganchimeg J. Wingard, and Richard P. Reading
Preface, Georg Miehe, Ravčigijn Samjaa, and Karsten Wesche
Breeding Behavior of the Mongolian Pika (Ochotona pallasi) in the Gobi Gurvan Saykhan Mountains, Mongolia, Tserendorjiin Munkhzul
Ecology of Argali in Ikh Nartiin Chuluu, Dornogobi Aymag, Richard P. Reading, Sukhiin Amgalanbaatar, Ganchimeg J. Wingard, Danny Kenny, and Anthony DeNicola
Wild Bactrian Camel Conservation, Richard P. Reading, Evan S. Blumer, Henry Mix, and Jadamsuren Adiya
Reproductive Ecology of Two Common Woody Species, Juniperus sabina and Artemisia santolinifolia, in Mountain Steppes of Southern Mongolia, Katrin Ronnenberg
Der Einsatz der Luzerne-Blattschneiderbiene, Megachile rotundata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), zur Bestäubung von Luzerne in der Mongolei = Management of the Alfalfa Leaf-Cutter Bee, Megachile rotundata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), for Alfalfa Pollination in Mongolia, Karsten Seidelmann, Čojrog Batchujag, and Manfred Dorn
Quantitative Investigations on Bird Communities in Different Habitats in the Orkhon-Selenge-Valley in Northern Mongolia, Tobias Stenzel, Michael Stubbe, Ravčigijn Samjaa, and Sundev Gombobaatar
Das Arteninventar der Avifauna der Mongolei während einer Nord-Süd-Durchquerung 1997, Tobias Stenzel, Michael Stubbe, R. Samjaa, Annegret Stubbe, and C. Dulamsuren
Book and Conference Announcements, Annegret Stubbe and Michael Stubbe
Frontmatter, Annegret Stubbe and Michael Stubbe
First Results of Wild Ass Research in the South Gobi Aymag/Mongolia in 2003 and 2004, Annegret Stubbe, Michael Stubbe, N. Batsajchan, R. Samjaa, and S. Doržderem
Beaver Research in the Uvs Nuur Region, Michael Stubbe, N. Dawaa, R. Samjaa, Annegret Stubbe, A. P. Saveljev, D. Heidecke, D. Sumjaa, H. Ansorge, S. Shar, and J.-F. Ducroz
Vier Jahrzehnte erfolgreicher Wissenschaftskooperation der Universitäten Halle und Ulan-Bator, Michael Stubbe, Annegret Stubbe, Ravčigijn Samjaa, and K. Wesche
Environmental Adaptations of the Gobi Desert Plants in Mongolia: An Example of C4-plants, Ts. Tsendeekhuu and Clanton Candler Black
Is Degradation a Major Problem in Semi-Desert Environments of the Gobi Region in Southern Mongolia?, Karsten Wesche and Vroni Retzer
Zur Populationsökologie und Raumnutzung der Steppenwühlmaus Microtus brandti (Radde, 1861) in der Fortpflanzungsperiode, Ulrich Zöphel and N. Dawaa