Review of Bird Brain: An Exploration of Avian Intelligence by Nathan Emery, Alan B. Bond
Context-dependent seed dispersal by a scatter-hoarding corvid, Mario B. Pesendorfer, T. Scott Sillett, Scott A. Morrison, and Alan C. Kamil
The domain specificity of intertemporal choice in pinyon jays, Jeffrey R. Stevens, Bryce Kennedy, Dina Morales, and Marianna Burks
Visual Search and Attention in Blue Jays (Cyanocitta cristata): Associative Cuing and Sequential Priming, Kazuhiro Goto, Alan B. Bond, Marianna Burks, and Alan C. Kamil
Direct and Relational Representation During Transitive List Linking in Pinyon Jays (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus), Cynthia Wei, Alan Kamil, and Alan B. Bond
Differences in Relative Hippocampus Volume and Number of Hippocampus Neurons among Five Corvid Species, Kristy L. Gould, Karl E. Gilbertson, Andrew J. Hrvol, Joseph C. Nelson, Abigail L. Seyfer, Rose M. Brantner, and Alan C. Kamil
Eurasian jays predict the food preferences of their mates, Alan C. Kamil
Changing Room Cues Reduces the Effects of Proactive Interference in Clark’s Nutcrackers, Nucifraga columbiana, Jody L. Lewis, Alan C. Kamil, and Kate E. Webbink
Do Clark’s nutcrackers demonstrate what-where-when memory on a cache-recovery task?, Kristy L. Gould, Amy J. Ort, and Alan C. Kamil
Cognitive Representation in Transitive Inference: A Comparison of Four Corvid Species, Alan B. Bond, Cynthia A. Wei, and Alan C. Kamil
What scatter-hoarding animals have taught us about small-scale navigation, Kristy L. Gould, Debbie M. Kelly, and Alan Kamil
Landmark use by Clark’s nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana): Influence of disorientation and cue rotation on distance and direction estimates, Debbie M. Kelly, Alan Kamil, and Ken Cheng
Use of a geometric rule or absolute vectors: Landmark use by Clark’s nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana), Debbie M. Kelly, Sarah Kippenbrock, Jennifer J. Templeton, and Alan Kamil
The Evolution of Color Polymorphism: Crypticity, Searching Images, and Apostatic Selection, Alan B. Bond
Serial Reversal Learning and the Evolution of Behavioral Flexibility in Three Species of North American Corvids (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus, Nucifraga columbiana, Aphelocoma californica), Alan B. Bond, Alan Kamil, and Russell P. Balda
Pigeons and People Select Efficient Routes When Solving a One-Way “Traveling Salesperson” Task, Brett M. Gibson, Edward A. Wasserman, and Alan C. Kamil
Linking Life Zones, Life History Traits, Ecology, and Spatial Cognition in Four Allopatric Southwestern Seed Caching Corvids, Russell P. Balda and Alan Kamil
Spatial Heterogeneity, Predator Cognition, and the Evolution of Color Polymorphism in Virtual Prey, Alan B. Bond and Alan Kamil
Social play in kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) with comparisons to kea (Nestor notabilis) and kaka (Nestor meridionalis), Judy Diamond, Daryl Eason, Clio Reid, and Alan B. Bond
Selective Attention, Priming, and Foraging Behavior, Alan Kamil and Alan B. Bond
Interference Effects in the Memory for Serially Presented Locations in Clark’s Nutcrackers, Nucifraga columbiana, Jody L. Lewis and Alan C. Kamil
Does Seed-Caching Experience Affect Spatial Memory Performance by Pinyon Jays?, B. Lucas Stafford, Russell P. Balda, and Alan Kamil
Geographic and ontogenetic variation in the contact calls of the kea, Alan B. Bond and Judy Diamond
The fine-grained spatial abilities of three seed-caching corvids, Brett M. Gibson and Alan Kamil
K-means Clustering with Multiresolution Peak Detection, Guanshan Yu, Leen-Kiat Soh, and Alan B. Bond
Social Play in Kaka (Nestor meridionalis) with Comparisons to Kea (Nestor notabilis), Judy Diamond and Alan B. Bond
Clark’s Nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana) and the Effects of Goal-Landmark Distance on Overshadowing, Aleida J. Goodyear and Alan Kamil
Sociality and the Evolution of Intelligence, Alan Kamil
Pinyon jays use transitive inference to predict social dominance, Guillermo Paz-y-Miño C, Alan B. Bond, Alan Kamil, and Russell P. Balda
Social Complexity and Transitive Inference in Corvids, Alan B. Bond, Alan Kamil, and Russell P. Balda
A Comparative Analysis of Social Play in Birds, Judy Diamond and Alan B. Bond
Spatial and Social Cognition in Corvids: An Evolutionary Approach, Russell P. Balda and Alan Kamil
Visual Predators Select for Crypticity and Polymorphism in Virtual Prey, Alan B. Bond and Alan Kamil
‘Neuroecologists’ are not made of straw, Robert R. Hampton, Susan D. Healy, Sara J. Shettleworth, and Alan Kamil
Cognition as an Independent Variable: Virtual Ecology, Alan C. Kamil and Alan B. Bond
Tests for Cognitive Mapping in Clark’s Nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana), Brett M. Gibson and Alan Kamil
Search for a hidden goal by Clark's nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana) is more accurate inside than outside a landmark array, Brett M. Gibson and Alan C. Kamil
The use of relative and absolute bearings by Clark's nutcrackers, Nucifraga columbiana, Juli E. Jones and Alan C. Kamil
Review of Evolution and Cognition, edited by Cecilia Heyes and Ludwig Huber., Alan Kamil
The Evolution of Virtual Ecology, Alan Kamil and Alan B. Bond
Way-Finding and Landmarks: The Multiple Bearings Hypothesis, Alan C. Kamil and Ken Cheng
The Use of Landmarks by Clark's Nutcrackers: First Tests of a New Model, Alan Kamil, Aleida J. Goodyear, and Ken Cheng
Geometric Rule Learning by Clark’s Nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana), Alan Kamil and Juli E. Jones
Searching image in blue jays: Facilitation and interference in sequential priming, Alan B. Bond and Alan C. Kamil
A Method for Estimating Marine Habitat Values Based on Fish Guilds, with Comparisons between Sites in the Southern California Bight, Alan B. Bond; John S. Stephens, Jr.; Daniel J. Pondella, II; M. James Allen; and Mark Helvey
The effect of proximity on landmark use in Clark’s nutcrackers, Kristy L. Gould-Beierle and Alan Kamil
Patterns of movement and orientation during caching and recovery by Clark’s nutcrackers, Nucifraga columbiana, Alan Kamil, Russell P. Balda, and Sally Good
How do they, indeed? A reply to Biegler et al., Alan Kamil and Juli E. Jones
The Ecology and Evolution of Spatial Memory in Corvids of the Southwestern USA: The Perplexing Pinyon Jay, Russell P. Balda and Alan Kamil
Preface: Animal Cognition in Nature, Russell P. Balda, Irene M. Pepperberg, and Alan Kamil
Apostatic selection by blue jays produces balanced polymorphism in virtual prey, Alan B. Bond and Alan Kamil
On the Proper Definition of Cognitive Ethology, Alan Kamil
Predicting Cognitive Capacity from Natural History: Examples from Four Species of Corvids, Russell P. Balda, Alan Kamil, and Peter A. Bednekoff
Visual Search for Natural Grains in Pigeons (Columba livia) : Search Images and Selective Attention, Cynthia M. Langley, Donald A. Riley, Alan B. Bond, and Namni Goel
The effects of requiring different response strategies following caching in Clark’s nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana), Alan Kamil, Russell P. Balda, and Deborah J. Olson
Population Estimates of Kea in Arthur's Pass National Park, Alan B. Bond and Judy Diamond
Searching Image in the Pigeon: A Test of Three Hypothetical Mechanisms, Alan B. Bond and Donald A. Riley
Sexual Dimorphism in the Kea Nestor notabilis, Alan B. Bond, Kerry-Jayne Wilson, and Judy Diamond
Social Behavior and the Ontogeny of Foraging in the Kea (Nestor notabilis), Judy Diamond and Alan B. Bond
Lasting responsiveness of a kea (Nestor notabilis) toward its mirror image, Judy Diamond and Alan B. Bond
The spatial memory of Clark’s nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana) in an analogue of the radial arm maze, Russel P. Balda and Alan Kamil
A Synthetic Approach to the Study of Animal Intelligence, Alan Kamil
Two Modal Action Patterns with a Continuous Temporal Distribution, Alan B. Bond, George W. Barlow, and William Rogers
The Ecology of Foraging Behavior: Implications for Animal Learning and Memory, Alan Kamil and Herbert L. Roitblat
Discrimination and generalization of leaf damage by blue jays (Cyanocitta cristata), Pamela G. Real, Ruth Iannazzi, Alan C. Kamil, and Bernd Heinrich
Optimal Foraging Theory and the Psychology of Learning, Alan Kamil
Spatial Learning as an Adaptation in Hummingbirds, Susan Cole, F. Reed Hainsworth, Alan Kamil, Terre Mercier, and Larry L. Wolf
Response strategies in the radial arm maze: Running around in circles, Sonja I. Yoerg and Alan C. Kamil
Spatial memory and the performance of rats and pigeons in the radial-arm maze, Alan B. Bond, Robert G. Cook, and Marvin R. Lamb
Visual Detection of Cryptic Prey by Blue Jays (Cyanocitta cristata), Alexandra T. Pietrewicz and Alan Kamil
Marginal learning-set formation by the crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), Maxwell W. Hunter III and Alan C. Kamil
Intraproblem retention during learning-set acquisition in bluejays (Cyanocitta eristata), Alan C. Kamil and John E. Maulden
Three-Configuration Matching-to-Sample in the Pigeon, Alan Kamil and Robert A. Sacks
The Role of Adventitious Reinforcement in Operant Discrimination, Alan Kamil and John W. Davenport