The Center for Ag Profitability builds on strengths present in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Department of Agricultural Economics through collaboration with other research and education units within IANR and the University of Nebraska system. It aims to serve agricultural producers, agribusiness professionals, and the economy in Nebraska and beyond.
The center focuses concerted effort among social science, biological, and engineering disciplines to provide the research and educational programs required to keep Nebraska’s farmers and ranchers financially healthy.
Understanding Market Outlooks, Elliott James Dennis
Verbal Leases: What Happens If Someone Dies?, Jessica Groskopf
USDA Reports on Land Values and County-Level Cash Rent Estimates in Nebraska for 2024, Jim Jansen
Who Needs to Fill Out a 1099?, Shannon Sand
Are You Ready for a Different Workplace Environment?, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
Feeder and Live Cattle Markets Face Mixed Signals as Fall Approaches, Elliott James Dennis
2021 Nebraska Feedlot Labor Survey, Kimberly J. Enger, Elliott James Dennis, Galen E. Erickson, and Andrea Watson
Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Gifting, Jessica Groskopf
Ideas For Estate and Transition Planning: Gift Leaseback, Jessica Groskopf
Paying Family Members on the Farm or Ranch, Jessica Groskopf
The Basics of Loans for Farmers and Ranchers, Jessica Groskopf
Avoid Year-End Operating Loan Pitfalls, Jessica J. Groskopf
Ideas For Estate and Transition Planning: Gifting Ownership, Jessica J. Groskopf
Terminating a Verbal Farmland Lease in Nebraska, Jessica J. Groskopf and J. David Aiken
Aging in Place in Rural Nebraska: Homecare Worker Cooperatives, Cythia Houlden
Cover Crop Utilization, Implications for Cropland Lease Arrangements in 2024, Jim Jansen and Jeff Stokes
Nebraska Crop Budgets 2025, Robert Klein and Gelnnis McClure
Sizing Up the Farm Bill Safety Net, Brad D. Lubben
Setting Custom Rates for Fall Harvest, Gelnnis McClure
2024 Nebraska Custom Rates: What to Charge?, Glennis McClure
Determining a Fair Rent for Farm Buildings, Glennis McClure
Net Farm Income Impacts Net Worth Growth, Glennis McClure
Budgeting Family Living into Cost of Production: Why It Matters for Farm and Ranch Families, Anastasia Meyer
Estate Planning: Stepped-Up Tax Basis, Anastasia Meyer
How To Communicate Your Estate Plan to Family When Dividing Assets Unequally, Anastasia Meyer
Retaining Heifers: Is It Worth It?, Tonya L. Meyer
Branching Out: Harnessing the Power of Decision Trees, Jay Parsons
Framing Strategic Risk and a Look at the Calf Retention Decision, Jay Parsons, John Hewlett, Elliott James Dennis, and Jeff Tranel
What Do Ongoing High Interest Rates Mean for Ag Producers?, Jay Parsons, John Hewlett, and Jeff Trandel
Interest Rates: Suggestions for Management, Jay Parsons, John Hewlett, and Jeff Tranel
The Corporate Transparency Act: A New Reporting Requirement Affects Many Agricultural Businesses, Jay Parsons, John Hewlett, and Jeff Tranel
Maximize Profitability by Choosing the Right Corn Hybrid, Matt Stockton
Bull Value Cow-Q-Lator (BVCQL): What It Is and How To Use It, Matt Stockton, Shannon Sand, and Randy Saner
The Importance of Strategic Planning for Farmers and Ranchers, Larry Van Tassell
Nebraska Approves Pass-Through Entity Tax Bill, Tina N. Barrett
Nebraska Extension educators bring entrepreneurship education to Georgia and Armenia, Molly Brandt, Marilyn R. Schlake, and Ryan Evans
Early Herd Rebuilding Could Happen Through the Bred Cow Market, Elliott James Dennis
Heifers on Feed Indicate Long-Term Liquidation Still Occurring, Elliott James Dennis
High Culling Continues to Impact Beef Market, Elliott James Dennis
Higher Cattle Prices Are Good but Wide Profit Margins Are Better, Elliott James Dennis
The Changing Cost of Cattle Transportation, Elliott James Dennis
New Loan Payment Calculator Tool Launched, Jessica Groskopf
What Happens to Your Farm or Ranch if You Become Disabled?, Jessica Groskopf
Are You a Farmer or Rancher Over 18? It’s Time for an Estate Plan, Jessica J. Groskopf
Terminating a Verbal Farmland Lease in Nebraska, Jessica J. Groskopf and J. David Aiken
One-Participant 401(k) as a Tool for Farmers and Ranchers, Jessica Groskopf, Cory Walters, and Doug Nelson
One-Participant 401(k): Saving for Retirement and Reducing Taxes, Jessica Groskopf, Cory Walters, and Doug Nelson
USDA Reports on Land Values and County-Level Cash Rent Estimates Across Nebraska in 2023, Jim Jansen and Jeff Stokes
2024 Nebraska Crop Budgets — a Mixed Review with Some Costs Higher, Some Lower, Glennis McMclure
Harvest Operations - Own it or Hire it?, Glennis McMclure
Ag Lenders Offer Insight on Conditions for Nebraska Livestock Producers, Jay Parsons
Managing Calf Market Risk with LRP in 2023, Jay Parsons
Managing Market Volatility in 2023, Jay Parsons, John Hewlett, and Jeff Tranel
What is IRS Section 180 and How Does it Work?, Shannon Sand
Tax Accounting vs. Managerial Accounting: What Is the Difference and Why Does It Matter?, Shannon Sand and Matt Stockton
Marketing Calves with Blemishes, Randy Saner
What Did Higher Profit Cow-Calf Producers Do to Be More Profitable?, Randy Saner
Do Only Americans Own America? Foreign Investment in Agricultural Lands in the United States, Larry W. Van Tassell
How Much Nebraska Ag Land is Owned by Foreign Entities?, Larry W. Van Tassell
Technology Use Growing on Nebraska Farms and Ranches, Larry W. Van Tassell
Using Breakeven Analysis for Better Decisions, Larry W. Van Tassell
Tensions Surrounding US Beef Exports to China, Elliott James Dennis
The Impact of Low Stocks-to-use Ratio and the Ukraine-Russia Conflict on the Distillers-to-Corn Price Ratio, Elliott James Dennis
Value of Gain on Winter Backgrounded Cattle, Elliott James Dennis
Regional Minimums in the U.S. Beef Complex, Elliott James Dennis and Bradley Lubben