"2024 Nebraska Crop Budgets — a Mixed Review with Some Costs Higher, So" by Glennis McMclure

Agricultural Economics Department


Date of this Version


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McClure, G. “2024 Crop Enterprise Budgets — A Mixed Review with Some Costs Higher, Some Lower.” CAP Series 23-1103, Center for Agricultural Profitability, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nov. 9, 2023. DOI: 10.32873/unl.dc.cap022.


While field operation costs are projected higher for the 2024 Nebraska crop enterprises, some material input costs are lower than were projected for 2023. One driving force on lower cost projections for 2024 is 20% to 40% less on fertilizer prices is factored in on many budgets, and five pounds less nitrogen fertilizer was entered for a majority of the corn budgets due to continued improvement of application practices. Cost scenarios for individual producers can vary based on their timing of input purchases and price variabilities. The 84 1Nebraska crop budgets are now available online in three formats with a complete 96-page pdf report, an Excel file, along with links to all of the budget reports created using the Agricultural Budget Calculator (ABC) program where enterprise budget data can be downloaded into user accounts and then modified for individual farm operations.
