Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of


Date of this Version



Published in Vehicular Technology Conference, 2006. VTC 2006-Spring. IEEE 63rd Volume 4, 7-10 May 2006 Page(s):1864 - 1868 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/VETECS.2006.1683170 (c) 2006 IEEE. Used by permission.


Ultra Wideband is a short-range wireless communication technique which has seen increased interest over the past decade. Having several methods of implementation, a key issue will always be the avoidance of multi-user interference. For time-hopped Ultra Wideband, this is achieved through the use of different codes assigned to each user, performing time-hopped code division multiple access.
This paper presents a performance comparison of several time hopping sequence construction methods. It presents correlation results between sequences, and simulation results in a Gaussian noise degraded, scattering rich multi-user environment. Simulations are based on the IEEE channel model for UWB communications.
