Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of


Date of this Version



Published in The Institution of Engineering and Technology Forum on Waveform Diversity and Design in Communications, Radar and Sonar, 2006. Nov. 22, 2006 Pages 91-98; Copyright 2006 IET. Used by permission.


Interleaved coding-modulation (ICM) is a recently proposed method for ultra-wideband impulse radio (UWBIR) systems. ICM exploits the concept of chip interleaving, allowing to alleviate the problem of inter-symbol and inter-pulse interference commonly present in high data rate UWB-IR systems. In this paper, we extend previous work on ICM to scarcely populated multi-user scenarios. We propose a design of a deterministic chip interleaver based on time-hopping hyperbolic congruence sequences. We also review the main parameters of the random and hyperbolic interleavers. Our results indicate that the proposed type of interleaver yields similar performance to random interleavers but with the advantage of simpler implementation.
