The Conservation and Survey Division, the natural resource survey component of the School of Natural Resources, is a unique, multi-disciplinary research, service and data-collection organization established by state statute in 1921. The Division's mission is to investigate and record information about Nebraska's geologic history, its rock and mineral resources, the quantity and quality of its water resources, land cover and other aspects of its geography, as well as the nature, distribution and uses of its soils.




Joint interpretation of ERT and Self-Potential data to characterize the subsurface geology and hydrodynamics along the Sutherland Supply Canal and Paxton Siphon inlet, Paxton, Nebraska., M. K. Aboushanab, D. R. Hallum, and R. M. Joeckel


Stage and discharge prediction from documentary time-lapse imagery, Kenneth W. Chapman, Troy E. Gilmore, Mehrube Mehrubeoglu, Christian D. Chapman, Aaron R. Mittelstet, and John E. Stranzl Jr.


Analysis of legacy gravity data reveals sediment-filled troughs buried under Flathead Valley, Montana, USA, Ali Gebril, Mohamed A. Khalil, Robert Matthew Joeckel, and James Rose


Groundwater In Nebraska, Troy E. Gilmore and Jesse T. Korus Dr.


Leveraging high resolution classifications and random forests for hindcasting decades of mesic ecosystem dynamics in the Landsat time series, N. E. Kolarik, Nawaraj Shrestha, T. Caughlin, and J. S. Brandt


Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) Survey for Targeted Drilling on the Kurtzhals Property, Cedar County, Nebraska, Jesse Korus, Katherine (Katie) Cameron, and Michele Waszgis


Multiscale characterization of splays produced by a historic, rain-on-snow flood on a large braided stream (Platte River, Central USA), J. T. Korus, R. M. Joeckel, A. R. Mittelstet, and N. Shrestha


Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2023, Aaron R. Young, Mark E. Burbach, Sue Olafsen Lackey, Robert Matthew Joeckel, Nawaraj Shrestha, and Jeffrey Westrop


Theory of an Automatic Seepage Meter and Ramifications for Applications, V. A. Zlotnik, D. K. Solomon, D. P. Genereux, T. E. Gilmore, C. E. Humphrey, A. R. Mittelstet, and A. V. Zlotnik



2023 Nebraska Water Leaders Academy, Mark E. Burbach and Robert Matthew Joeckel


Conservation and Survey Division 2023 Annual Report, R. M. Joeckel and M. M. Waszgis


Berriasian–Valanginian Geochronology and Carbon-Isotope Stratigraphy of the Yellow Cat Member, Cedar Mountain Formation, Eastern Utah, USA, Robert M. Joeckel, Celina A. Suarez, Noah M. McLean, Andreas Möller, Gregory A. Ludvigson, Marina B. Suarez, James I. Kirkland, Joseph Andrew, Spencer Kiessling, and Garrett A. Hatzell


Telescopic megafans on the High Plains, USA were signal buffers in a major source-to-sink system, Jesse T. Korus Dr. and Robert Matthew Joeckel


Hydrogeologic Field Trip of Northeast Nebraska, Sue Olafsen Lackey, Kathleen Cameron, and Matt Marxsen


Nebraska's Water, Nawaraj Shrestha, Ann Briggs, Aaron R. Young, and Robert Matthew Joeckel


3D hydrostratigraphic and hydraulic conductivity modeling using supervised machine learning, T. A. Tilahun and Jesse T. Korus Dr.


Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2022, Aaron R. Young, Mark E. Burbach, Sue Olafsen Lackey, Robert Matthew Joeckel, and Jeffrey Westrop



The Impact of Sampling Methodology on Soil Bulk Density Measurement by the Clod Method, Aldi J. Airori, Trinity Baker, and Judith Turk


2022 Nebraska Water Leaders Academy Final Report, Mark E. Burbach, Robert Matthew Joeckel, Brooke Mott, and Gina S. Matkin


Strange Stones of Skull Creek: Basalt Glacial Erratics and Omars in Eastern Nebraska, Robert M. Joeckel, Jesse T. Korus, Judith Turk, C. C. Arps, N. V. Arps, and Leslie M. Howard


Soils of the Central Nebraska Loess Hills and Central Loess Plains, Judith Turk, Rebecca Young, Nicolas A. Jelinsky, Amber D. Anderson, Ashlee Dere, Colby J. Moorberg, and Rachel K. Owen


Baseflow and water resilience variability in two water management units in southeastern Brazil, Lucas Vituri Santarosa, Didier Gastmans, Troy E. Gilmore, Jan Boll, Sebastian Balbin Betancur, and Vitor Fidelis Monteiro Gonçalves


Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2021, Aaron R. Young, Mark E. Burbach, Leslie M. Howard, Sue Olafsen Lackey, and Robert Matthew Joeckel



2021 Nebraska Water Leaders Academy Final Report, Mark E. Burbach, Robert Matthew Joeckel, Brooke Mott, and Gina S. Matkin


Geology and Hydrogeology of Northeastern Nebraska: Geology, Water Management and Geological Hazards, Nebraska Geological Society Field Trip 2021, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., Sue Olafsen Lackey, and Douglas R. Hallum


Recharge assessment in the context of expanding agricultural activity: Urucuia Aquifer System, western State of Bahia, Brazil, Glauco Z.S. Eger, Gerson C. Silva Junior, Eduardo A.G. Marques, Bernardo R.C. Leão, Diana G.T.B. da Rocha, Troy E. Gilmore, Luís G.H. do Amaral, Juremá A.O. Silva, and Christopher Neale


Annual Report 2020 Conservation and Survey Division, Robert Matthew Joeckel


Groundwater level assessment and prediction in the Nebraska Sand Hills using LIDAR-derived lake water level, Nawaraj Shrestha, Aaron R. Mittelstet, Aaron R. Young, Troy E. Gilmore, David C. Gosselin, Yi Qi, and Caner Zeyrek


Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2020, Aaron R. Young, Mark E. Burbach, Leslie M. Howard, Sue Olafsen Lackey, and Robert Matthew Joeckel



2019 Nebraska Water Leaders Academy Final Report, M.E. Burbach, R.M. Joeckel, and G.S. Matkin


Interpretive Geologic Maps and Cross Sections for Phelps, Kearney, and Adams Counties in Nebraska, Dana Divine and Leslie M. Howard


Hydrogeologic Framework And Water Balance Investigation of Land near the Gothenburg Canal System, Douglas R. Hallum


Correlating the Plant Height of Wheat with Above-Ground Biomass and Crop Yield Using Drone Imagery and Crop Surface Model, A Case Study from Nepal, U. S. Panday, Nawaraj Shrestha, S. Maharjan, A. K. Pratihast, Shahnawaz, K. L. Shrestha, and J. Aryal


Mapping the Base of the High Plains Aquifer using Borehole Geophysical Logs and Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys in Western Nebraska, Steven S. Sibray, Douglas R. Hallum, Joseph Reedy, Jason Yuill, and Thadeus Kuntz


Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2019, Aaron R. Young, Mark E. Burbach, Leslie M. Howard, Sue Olafsen Lackey, and Robert Matthew Joeckel



Streambed Flux Measurement Informed by Distributed Temperature Sensing Leads to a Significantly Different Characterization of Groundwater Discharge, Troy E. Gilmore, Mason Johnson, Jesse T. Korus, Aaron R. Mittelstet, Marty A. Briggs, Vitaly A. Zlotnik, and Sydney Corcoran


Informing water use decision-making for waterfowl and agricultural production on a ranch along the North Platte River, Nebraska, Douglas R. Hallum P.G.


Geology of Southeastern Nebraska, Robert Matthew Joeckel, Dana Divine, Leslie M. Howard, Kathleen Cameron, and Michele M. Waszgis


Maps showing the Physical Hydrogeology and Changes in Saturated Thickness (Predevelopment to Spring 2016 and Spring 2011 to Spring 2016) in the Middle Republican Natural Resources District, Southwestern Nebraska., Jesse T. Korus Dr. and Leslie M. Howard


Gage County Preliminary Ground Water Study (GM-20): Reed, E.C. Conservation and Survey Division , size 8.5" X 11"., E.C. Reed


Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2018, Aaron R. Young, Mark E. Burbach, Leslie M. Howard, Michele M. Waszgis, Sue Olafsen Lackey, and Robert Matthew Joeckel



Fossils on the Floor in the Nebraska State Capitol: A Coloring and Activities Book, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.


The Groundwater Atlas of Red Willow County, Nebraska, Dana Divine, Duane Eversoll, and Leslie M. Howard


Results of Test-Hole Drilling for Observation Well Planning in the Lower Loup Natural Resources District, Spring 2017, Douglas R. Hallum P.G., Sue Olafsen Lackey, and Steven S. Sibray


Hydrogeologic Framework Studies of Portions of the Niobrara River, Douglas R. Hallum, Steven S. Sibray, and Leslie M. Howard


New Insights into Carboniferous Cyclothems. The Fourth Biennial Field Conference of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Midcontinent Section Fourth Biennial Field Conference Abstracts and Guidebook, Robert Matthew Joeckel and Christopher R. Fielding


Combining Hydraulic Head Analysis with Airborne Electromagnetics to Detect and Map Impermeable Aquifer Boundaries, Jesse T. Korus


County-wide Assessment of Irrigation Expansion on Air Temperature, Humidity and Evapotranspiration Rates in Nebraska, 1979-2015, Jozsef Szilagyi



2016 Nebraska Water Leaders Academy - Final Report, Mark E. Burbach and Connie Reimers-Hild


2017 Nebraska Water Leaders Academy - Final Report, Mark E. Burbach and H. Reiners-Hild


Interpretive geologic cross sections across Lower Platte North Natural Resources District, Nebraska (CCS-20), Dana Divine


Aquifers of Nebraska II: The Niobrara Aquifer, Dana Divine, Robert Matthew Joeckel, and Sue Olafsen Lackey


The Groundwater Atlas of Richardson County, Nebraska, Dana P. Divine and Leslie M. Howard


An Overview of Secondary Aquifers in Nebraska, Dana Divine and Steven S. Sibray


Results of Test-Hole Drilling for Observation Well Planning in the Upper Loup Natural Resources District, Fall 2016, Douglas Hallum and Sue Olafsen Lackey


Geology Of Northeastern Nebraska And Environs: Cedar, Dakota, and Dixon Counties in Nebraska, and Plymouth and Woodbury County in Iowa, Robert Matthew Joeckel, Dana Divine, P.R. Hanson, and Leslie M. Howard


Geology and Paleontology Along Part of the Niobrara River in Northern Nebraska, Robert Matthew Joeckel, S. T. Tucker, and Leslie M. Howard


Understanding Cigarette Butt Littering Behavior on a Public Beach: A Case Study of Jekyll Island, Maranda R. Miller and Mark E. Burbach


Holdrege Nebraska State Soil, Nebraska Society of Professional Soil Scientists


Basic Meteorological Data Derived 30-year Normas (1981-2010) of Actual Evapotranspiration Rates in Nebraska, USA, Jozsef Szilagyi


Holdrege: Nebraska's State Soil, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2016, Aaron R. Young, Mark E. Burbach, Leslie M. Howard, Michele M. Waszgis, R. Matthew Joeckel, and Sue Olafsen Lackey



Geology of the Platte River Valley near Kearney, Nebraska, Jeremy S. Dillon, Paul R. Hanson, Ashley Larsen, Jacob Bruihler, and Carissa Raymond


Aquifers of Nebraska I: The Codell aquifer in northeastern Nebraska, Dana Divine, R. Matthew Joeckel, and Sue Olafsen Lackey


11th New World Luminescence Dating Workshop Scientific Program and Abstracts and Field Trip Guide Book, P.R. Hanson, James B. Swinehart, and Joseph Mason


Late glacial and Holocene history of the Penobscot River in the Penobscot Lowland, Maine, Roger LeB. Hooke, Paul R. Hanson, Danile F. Belknap, and Alice R. Kelley


Three-dimensional architecture and hydrostratigraphy of cross-cutting buried valleys using airborne electromagnetics, glaciated Central Lowlands, Nebraska, USA, Jesse T. Korus Dr., Robert Matthew Joeckel, Dana P. Divine, and Jared D. Abraham


The Development and Evaluation of Lecture Tutorials for Introductory Soil Science, Judith K. Turk


The Development and Evaluation of Lecture Tutorials for Introductory Soil Science, Judith K. Turk



Hydrophobic organic contaminant transport property heterogeneity in the Borden Aquifer, Richelle M. Allen-King, Indra Kalinovich, David F. Dominic, Guohui Wang, Reid Polmanteer, and Dana Divine


Hydrophobic organic contaminant transport property heterogeneity in the Borden Aquifer, Richelle M. Allen-King, Indra Kalinovich, David F. Dominic, Guohui Wang, Reid Polmanteer, and Dana Divine


The Groundwater Atlas of Saunders County, Nebraska, Dana Divine


Basic Guide for Description of Cuttings from Boreholes in Nebraska, Dana P. Divine, R. M. Joeckel, and Jesse T. Korus


North-Central Nebraska Geology: Niobrara River Valley in Brown, Cherry, and Keya Paha Counties, R. M. Joeckel, L. M. Howard, and S T. Tucker


North-Central Nebraska Geology: Niobrara River Valley in Brown, Cherry, and Keya Paha Counties, R. M. Joeckel, L. M. Howard, and S. T. Tucker


Nebraska's Public Access Hunting Program: Hunter Preferences and Usage Final Report, Lisa Pennisi, Mark E. Burbach, Namyun Kil, Muhammed Imran Kahn, and Andrew J. Tyre


Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2015, A. R. Young, M. E. Burbach, and L. M. Howard



The Groundwater Atlas of Lancaster County, Dana Divine


Field Trip Guidebook for the Nebraska Well Drillers Association, Duane A. Eversoll, Matt Joeckel, and Lee Orton


Analysis of vesicular porosity in soils using high-resolution X-ray computed tomograpy, Judith K. Turk and Robert C. Graham


Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2014, A. R. Young, M. E. Burbach, and L. M. Howard



Three-dimensional hydrostratigrapy of the Swedeburg, Nebraska area: Results from helicopter electromagnetic (HEM) mapping for the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA), Dana Divine and Jesse T. Korus


Saturated Thickness of the unconfined portions of the High Plains Aquifer, Conservation and Survey Division


Landslides of Nebraska, Duane A. Eversoll


The Groundwater Atlas of Nebraska, Jesse T. Korus; Leslie M. Howard; Aaron R. Young; Dana P. Divine; Mark E. Burbach; J. Michael Jess; Douglas R. Hallum; R.F. Diffendal, Jr.; and R.M. Joeckel


Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphy of the Firth, Nebraska area: results from helicopter electromagnetic (HEM) mapping in the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA), Jesse T. Korus, R. Matthew Joeckel, and Dana Divine


Field Guide for Nebraska Invasive Insects, Nebraska Invasive Species Project


Preliminary Groundwater Level Changes at Selected Sites in Nebraska Following the Drought of 2012, Aaron R. Young, Mark E. Burbach, and Leslie M. Howard


Groundwater-level Changes in Nebraska - Spring 2012 to Spring 2013, A. Young, M. E. Burbach, and L. M. Howard


Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2013, A. R. Young, M. E. Burbach, and L. M. Howard



4th International Union of Soil Sciences Soil Classification Conference Field Tour Guidebook


North Central Region Soil Survey Conference Field Tour


Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphy of the Sprague, Nebraska area: results from helicopter electromagnetic (HEM) mapping for the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA), Dana Divine and Jesse T. Korus


Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphy of the Platte River valley near Ashland, Nebraska: Results from helicopter electromagnetic (HEM) mapping in the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA), P. R. Hanson, Jesse T. Korus, and Dana Divine


Nebraska's Wetlands: Their Wildlife and Ecology, Paul A. Johnsgard


Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2011, Jesse T. Korus Dr., Mark E. Burbach, and Leslie M. Howard


Three geologic cross sections across portions of eastern Nebraska showing Quaternary lithologic units and stratigraphy of uppermost bedrock, Jesse T. Korus, Dana Divine, P. R. Hanson, and J. S. Dillon


Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2012, A. R. Young, M. E. Burbach, J. T. Korus, and L. M. Howard



Secondary minerals from extrapedogenic per latus acidic weathering environments at geomorphic edges, Eastern Nebraska, USA, Robert Matthew Joeckel, K.D. Wally, B.J. Ang Clement, P.R. Hanson, J.S. Dillon, and S.K. Wilson


Reference List For Describing Cuttings And Cores Of Sediments And Sedimentary Rocks In Nebraska, J. T. Korus, Robert Matthew Joeckel, P. R. Hanson, J. W. Goeke, S. O. Lackey, and M. B. Burbach