Documentary Editing, Association for



Date of this Version


Document Type



Documentary Editing, Volume 23, Number 1, March 2001.

ISSN 2476-1796 (electronic); ISSN 2167-1451 (print)


2001 © the Association for Documentary Editing. Used by permission.


At its November 14, 2000, meeting, the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) recommended grants totaling up to $3.8 million for 47 projects. The Commission described competition for funding as "fierce," with requests under consideration at this meeting exceeding $8 million. While reaffirmning its support for the Founding Era documentary editions, the Commission noted a substantial increase in the number and quality of grant proposals in the State Board and Electronic Records Programs. The Commission was able to maintain last year's level of funding for the Founding Era documentary editing projects. However, the NHPRC Fellowship Programs in Archival Administration and in Documentary Editing will be suspended for 2001-2002. The 2001 summer Institute for the Editing of Historical Documents will be supported in the amount of $30,602.
