Documentary Editing, Association for


Date of this Version


Document Type



Documentary Editing, Volume 20, Number 3, September 1998.

ISSN 2476-1796 (electronic); ISSN 2167-1451 (print)


1998 © the Association for Documentary Editing. Used by permission.


The World Wide Web is rapidly becoming the first place that researchers and the curious look when they are interested in a topic. For those with access, Internet searches using Web browsers can rapidly open a door to a vast storehouse of knowledge and information. Everyone and her brother seems to have a web page, whether for selling widgets, advertising a conference, or just telling you who they are and what they like to do. Wading through this virtual forest to find the gems can occupy hours, even days, with no guarantee that the information you find on the Web is accurate or complete.

Everyone tells you that you need a "presence on the Web" or expects that you already have a web site. There are a lot of good reasons to create and launch a web site for your documentary editing project, but it will take some time and thought to create the type of site that best suits your project and your audience. This article will lay out the kinds of things web pages can do for editing projects and the kinds of information projects are providing on the Web now.
