U.S. Department of Defense


Date of this Version


Document Type



The minimal unambiguous citation for an army field manual is the manual number and date, such as: FM 3-130, 1958.


This document is a digitized copy of the manual. Blank pages were not digitized.

This manual was marked “CONFIDENTIAL” when it was issued.


An appropriate alternative title for this manual would be “Chemical Corps Intelligence.” When this manual was issued the Chemical Corps was a bureau in the Headquarters, Department of the Army, headed by a general officer called the Chief Chemical Officer (CCO), as well as a branch of the army to which officers and enlisted men were appointed. Among the duties of the CCO were the development and supply of chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) weapons and equipment, the training of chemical units for service in the field, management of the careers of officers in the Chemical Corps branch, and the production of CBR intelligence for the armed forces.

A small special-purpose intelligence organization, the US Army Chemical Corps Intelligence Agency, which reported to the CCO, was responsible for the producing CBR intelligence at the national level.

This manual describes the structure of the Chemical Corps intelligence effort and the responsibilities of Chemical Corps personnel and organizations within the United States and in the field. It describes the proper procedures for handling intelligence documents, materiel, and information at every echelon.
