Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of


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Patent N0.: US 7,283,234 B1


Improved methodology for monitoring deposition or removal of material to or from a process and/or Wittness substrate Which demonstrates a negative e1 at some Wave length. The method involves detection of changes in P-polarized electromagnetism ellipsometric DELTA at SPR Resonance Angle-of-lncidence (A01) to monitor deposition of and/or removal of minute amounts of materials onto, or from, said process and/or Witness substrate. The methodology can optionally monitor ellipsometric PS1, and involves simultaneously or sequentially applying non-P-polarized electromagnetism at the same angle of incidence, or electromagnetic radiation of any polarization at a different angle-of-incidence and Wavelength to the process or Witt ness substrate and application of conventional ellipsometric analysis.
