Engineering, College of
Date of this Version
Spring 2006
Document Type
Table of Contents:
A Swine Sensation: William Velander is creating a safe, inexpensive treatment for hemophilia using protein from the milk of transgenic pigs.
Bridging a Community: UNL and the Nebraska Department of Roads join together to build the United States’ first tied-arch bridge in Ravenna.
Five Men and a Machine Shop: The Engineering and Science Research Support Facility helps UNL faculty turn ideas into reality.
From the Gridiron to G-forces: Graduate student Curt Tomasevicz makes his Olympic debut.
The Industry Standard: The new Charles Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction is expected to train the next generation of industry leaders.
Racing Against the Clock: Students in ASC competition have just 18 hours to put together a management plan for a major construction project.
Published by the University of Nebraska - Lincoln College of Engineering. Online at Copyright © 2006 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.