Engineering, College of



Date of this Version

Fall 2006

Document Type



Published by the University of Nebraska - Lincoln College of Engineering. Online at Copyright © Fall 2006 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.


Table of Contents:

From the Dean
Faculty Profile—It’s Easy Being Green (and Red): Roger Hoy, new director of the Tractor Test Lab, is making sure the 87-year-old operation still meets the needs of today’s industry.
Front and Center
We’ve Got Your Back: Sixty members of the Class of 2010 begin their college careers at a two-day camp just for engineers.
COVER STORY: Where Are The Rest?: Despite increased recruitment efforts, women still comprise only 12 percent of the college’s student body. What has gone wrong, and how can we improve?
Leading By Example: Engineering and architecture students lobby for environmentally friendly campus buildings.
Alumni Profile—How the Peace Corps Changed His World: Alumnus Zach Kippenbrock, ’04, reflects on his two-year stint building water and sanitation systems in Panama.
After Hours—Uncovering the Criminal Mind: Research Assistant Janet Renoe is studying forensic science in hopes of discovering why criminals do the things they do.

Included in

Engineering Commons
