Engineering, College of



Date of this Version

Fall 2005

Document Type



Published by the University of Nebraska - Lincoln College of Engineering. Online at Copyright © 2005 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.


Table of Contents:

Celebrating 10 Years of Educating Young Minds: After 10 years, Edgerton Explorit Center continues the mission of its namesake—to enlighten curious minds and enhance our understanding of the world.
Helping Hands...and Wrists: Professor gives doctors a helping hand with newly patented IntuiTool™
The Greater Good: Service learning allows students to put their education to work for the good of the community.
Cool Under Fire: Second generation of Scherzbergs carries on the tradition of school and service to country.
The Future of Nebraska Engineering: The college’s new strategic plan looks at ways research can serve federal and state governments and benefit students.
The Brilliance of Young Minds: The College of Engineering shows students the path to discovery and success.

Included in

Engineering Commons
