English, Department of
First Advisor
Marco Abel
Date of this Version
Document Type
Rush, Christian. "Post- '98: The Normal Gay." Master's Thesis, University of Nebraska, 2019.
James Collard’s post-gay is a secret within the gay community, yet the ramifications of what he claimed our community was heading toward in 1998 are spreading across our community without us realizing it. This thesis tasks itself with unpacking what it meant for Collard to call our community “post-gay,” and how that term came to be throughout the twentieth and twenty-first century within the gay community. The thesis explores major gay texts found in literature, film, and on digital spaces in the ways they have shaped the post-gay identity that we, as gay people, have found ourselves living in. Ultimately Collard’s post-gay has created a major rift within the community as to who is allowed to be public, and who is not—causing major tension and dissonance among a group of people who continue to remain at the fringes of society.
Advisor: Marco Abel
A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfilment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts, Major: English, Under the Supervision of Professor Marco Abel. Lincoln, Nebraska : April 15, 2019.
Copyright (c) 2019 Christian Rush