English, Department of


Department of English: Faculty Publications

Document Type


Date of this Version



Published by the Nebraska Curriculum Development Center, University of Nebraska, June, 1972


Copyright 1972 Board of Regents, University of Nebraska



Introductory Letter

Discussion Summary


List of Participants

Educational Reform and Informational Needs

"Manpower: Supply and Demand for Teaching Personnel" -- Leo Shapiro

The Idea of Community and the Education of Teachers

"The Transmission of American Culture" -- George D. Spindler

"In the United States District Court for the Eastern Division of Texas, Tyler Division, Memorandum Opinion Regarding the San Felipe Del Rio Consolidated Independent School District"

The Use of Higher Education Personnel in School-Based Undergraduate Teacher-Training Programs

Appendix-"Research Sharing"

School-Based Teacher-Training Centers ."The Portland Urban Teacher Education Project:

New Context for Teacher Preparation" -- John L. Parker

Certification; Tenure

"The Credentials Monopoly" -- Newman Commission

"Accreditation and Credentialling in the Education of Teachers" -- James Bowman

"In the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska"

Funding Problems and Recommendations

"United States District Court, Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division (Edgewood Decision)"

"Developmental Funding" -- Lewis N. Pino

Strategies and Proposals for Change

"New Rochelle's Redesign Efforts" -- Paul Abramson
