English, Department of


Department of English: Faculty Publications

Document Type


Date of this Version

April 2003


Published in Writing on the Edge 13:2 (Spring 2003), PP. 3-4. Published at the University of California at Davis. Used by permission. http://wwwenglish.ucdavis.edu/compos/woe/default.html


Editors' Introduction to a special issue of Writing on the Edge: A Journal About Writing and Teaching Writing

We compositionists work in a field where questions about the ethics of representation confront us endlessly. In our teaching, in our research, in our service, we regularly must represent students, colleagues, and community members to others, often across great divides in power. In response, across our profession there's been a growing sense of worry, and growing scholarship on the importance of ethical practices. In February 2001, CCC published the "Guidelines for the Ethical Treatment of Students and Student Writing in Composition Studies" designed to protect "the rights, privacy, dignity, and well-being of the students who are involved in ... [compositionists'] studies". In our view, the CCCC Guidelines and the conversations they sponsor are concerned with a most basic question: How can we treat our students and our colleagues in ethically responsible ways across the various professional contexts in which we work?
