Environmental and Sustainability Studies Program
Department of Environmental Studies: Undergraduate Student Theses
The Changing Habitat And Decline Of Ring-Necked Pheasant Populations In Otoe County, Nebraska, Jacob T. Herman
Ecological Perspectives of the Eastern Saline Wetlands Differ Between Visitors and Non-Visitors, Peter Janda
Analysis Of Trees Damaged From Flooding And Ice In Columbus, Nebraska, Alaina Kapla
The Effects Of Street Tree Site Planting Width On Canopy Width And Ability To Provide Ecosystem Services, Ryan Kendall
Fungal Mycelium; The Key to a Sustainable Future, Sawyer Krivanek
Growth and Feeding Response in Python regius in Ambient Temperature vs. Hot-Spot, McKenzie Martinez
The Research and Analysis of Potential Gray Wolf (Canis Lupus) Habitats and Gray Wolf Management in the U.S., YouHan Mei
Effect of Urban Green Space on Urban Populations., Jack Mensinger
Diet Composition And Analysis Of Fish Species Consumed By The Eurasian Otter In A Marine/Costal Environment, Alexandrea Otto
The Effects of Phosphate on the Metamorphosis of Larval Western Barred Tiger Salamanders (Ambystoma mavortium), Alexis Jean Polivanov
What are the Impacts of Plastic Pollution on Sea Turtles and How Can We Prevent Them?, Stacey Safarik
The Introduction of a Carbon Market: A Regression Analysis of the Impacts on Participating Firms, Zachery Sehnert
A Study of Environmental Attitudes Between Rural and Urban Students, Sabrina Severin
The Effect Of Pictorial Signs On Recycling Rates, Christopher A. Sukstorf
A Study Of The Relationships Between Environments And Human Death Practices, Carly Elizabeth Thody
Remediation Strategies To Reduce Heavy Metal Uptake In Lettuce Grown In Contaminated Urban Soil, Ryley Thomas
Abatement of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances with Electrochemical Oxidation, Elise Webb
Diatom Morphology In Light Of A Changing Climate: A Focus On Aulacoseira Crenulata, Brighid Welchans
An Analysis of a Waste Audit performed on UNL Campus Buildings, Nathan Zach
A Comparison of Modern Power: Environmental Impacts, Seth Adams
Proposal to Build a Green Roof on Top of Hardin Hall on UNL's East Campus, Abbie Andersen
Student Perception of Industrial Agriculture: Effects on Migrant Workers and the Environment, Brigitta Bogue and Emma Sorensen
Food Insecurity Among University of Nebraska-Lincoln Students, Lindsey Bremer
Comparisons of Drought Institutions Between the U.S. and Korea, Sungbyung Chae
Nitrate Contamination and Nitrogen Isotope Compositions in the Bazile Groundwater Management Area - A Water Quality Study. Creighton, NE, Sydney Corcoran
Age Structures and Growth Patterns of Aplodinotus Grunniens in the Red River of the North, Manitoba, Canada, Kaitlyn Elder
What are the Prospects for -Omics- Based Molecular Technologies in Cancer Diagnostics and Treatment, Katya Eriksen
Changes in Plant Phenology in the Central United States in Response to Climate Change, Sarah Fagras
Examining the Effects of UV on Latex and Nitrile Glove Degradation, Dana Christine Handke
Activity Patterns of Nebraskan Wildlife on a Prairie Landscape, Dillon Hanson
Exploring How Animals Are Viewed in Society Over the Past 150 Years Within Classic Chidren's Literary Works, Ambrosia Keefe
Hydroponics: Effect of PH on Different Cucumber Varieties, Mikaela Krumrei
The Effect of Land Development in Small Communities on a People's Sense of Place, Alivia Michalski
Consumer Response to Sustainable Practices Within the Fashion Industry, Gage Mruz
Nitrate Accumulation in the Vadose Zone of Waverly's Wellhead Protection Area, Cleome Mullison
Climate Action Plan Framework for University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lila Peterson
How Do Non-Formal Environmental Education Experiences Shape Pro-Environmental Behavior, Megan Petsch
The Impact of Urbanization and Land-Use Change in Lincoln, Nebraska, Andrew Rose
Using Pimephales promelas as an Indicator Species for the Presence of Endocrine Disruptors in Nebraskan Streams, Megan Rosno
Critical Wedges and Penetrative Strain: How Does Penetrative Strain Alter the Concept of a Critical Wedge?, Nicole L. Smith
The Role of Dendrology in Analyzing Past Climatic and Historical, Anna Sonnenfeld
Drought Perceptions and Management Techniques for Outdoor Recreation in the Great Plains, Lauren Uhlig
Barriers Influencing the Success of Green Teams, Jessica Van Buskirk
Sustainable Dietary Solutions to a Multi-Dimensional Epidemic: A Practical Application of the Mediterranean Diet to Nebraska, Samuel A. Virgillito
Seventh Grade Students' Understanding of a Groundwater Modeling Tool, Holly White
How a Changing Climate Impacts Apple Production in Nebraska, Logan Winters
How are University's Handling Dining Hall Food Waste-UNL Study, Macrae Zappala
Factors Perceived by Multifamily Property Owners and Managers as Beneficial in Improving Energy Efficiency, Alex David Arneson
The Effects of Multilingualism of Executive Function, Isabella Catalano
A Trail Plan for the Prairie Corridor, Michaela Daugherty
Treatment of Plastic Wastes using Plasma Gasification Technology, Zachary A. Homolka
Assessment of Total Suspended Solids and Total Phosphorus Removal by Wetlands and Best Management Practices in Lincoln, Nebraska, Deborah Marik
Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand University Students Recycling Behavior, Vanessa Sonnenfeld
A Systems Perspective of Changes Within Pastoralist Populations in and Around Sibiloi National Park, Kenya, Cody Willnerd
Can a Biogas Production Company Feasibly Exist in Lincoln Nebraska?, Tucker Bonow
Land Use as an Indicator of Stream Habitat Quality in Salt Creek, Adam Brown
Commonalities in Species Distribution, an Advanced Search for the Elusive Arizona elegans, Anthony Brunetti
Public Perception of Leadership in the Municipal Solid Waste Sector, Allison Creeger
Companion Planting: Effects of Radishes on Squash Bugs, Daniel DeJong
Companion Planting: Effects of Radishes on Squash Bugs, Daniel DeJong
Assessment of Painted Turtle Size and Age from Long-term Pond Study, Ellen Dolph
Sediment Associated Arsenic in Stream and Aquifer Sediments, Christopher N. Elofson
Failing Food Supply: Permaculture's Potential, John Faltin
Developmental Factors Leading to Pro Environmental Attitudes, Adam Fenton
The Effects of Music and Media on Littering Behaviors, Emily Hauck
A Climate Change Risk Assessment of Northern Great Plains Reservations, Matthew Jensby
Varying Perspectives on Landscape Diversity, Benet Kinghorn
The involvement of Arabidopsis calmodulin in plant immunity against Pseudomonas syringae, Katherine Lagerstrom
How Livestock Production in Eastern Nebraska May Affect Nitrate Concentrations in Platte River, Yuzhe Luo
The Environmental Impacts of Fracking, Nick Nardone
The Effects of Plant Diversity on Pollinator Abundance, Kendra Nelson
A Case Study of Motivating Factors Related to Recycling in the Workplace, Erika Roan
The Relationship Between Change in Stress Level Due to Nature Exposure and an Individual's Nature Appreciation, Madeleine Schwinghammer
Land Use as an Indicator of Stream Habitat Quality in Salt Creek, Lexus Wellman, Adam Brown, and Arden Cornwell
Saving Money While Participating in Urban Agriculture, Jill Wieneke
The Relationship Between Urbanization and Eutrophication in Lake Dianchi Watershed in Kunming, China, Xiaoyu Yin
Population Structure Analysis of Western Painted Turtles, Charrissa Zuerlein
A Relationship with Urban Farming, Tracey Adams
Bio-Accumulation of a Soil Fungicide in Western Barred Tiger Salamanders via Earthworm Prey, Reece Allen
Acute Toxicity Study on the Impact of Chlorpyrifos and Propiconazole in Apis Melifera, Ryan Becker
The Effect of Soil pH on the Integument of the Western Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma mavortium), Aaron Devine
Identifying Change in Agricultural Practices in Relation to Ethanol Plant Location, Erik Doran
Public Perception and Attitudes Associated with Climate Engineering, Mark Fowler
Oceanic Top-Down Trophic Cascades and the Link to Anthropogenic Effects, Amanda Gangwish
Studying the Effect of Urbanization on Tree Growth Surrounding Streams in Lincoln, Nebraska, Benjamin Heusinkvelt
The Measure of Nematode Diversity in Response to Varying Management Practices and Features in Restored and Remnant Prairie Ecosystems, Heaven Hulshizer
Soil Compaction of Hardin Hall Green Space Social Trail on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's East Campus, Danielle Jones
Sympathy for the Devil: Conserving Tasmanian Devils in the Face of a Devastating Disease, Hollie Konold
Linking the New Ecological Paradigm Scale to How Pro-Environmental Behavior is Developed, Sydney Lawton
Urban Heat Island of Lincoln, Nebraska, Evan Malloy
Environmental Exposure and Biophilic Influence on Prosocial Sentiments, Justin Mueller
Water Quality on Reservations in Nebraska, Nathan A. Reece
How Renewable Energy Benefits Businesses and the Environment, Carson Schwalbach
An Alternative Assessment of Groundwater Level Changes: An example application in Clay and Adams County, Nebraska, Jordan Shields
Wild Horse Management of Carson City Nevada- What the Public Thinks, Katie Zuehlke
Riparian Area Vegetation Response to High and Low Flows in the Platte River Through Digital Imagery, Joe Arneson
Temperature Dependency of Population Dynamics and Trophic Cascades in a Model Aquatic System, Reed Brodersen